Chapter 1

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-Christian's Point of View-

I was hanging out in the guy's locker room. I had wrapped my wrists, and was preparing myself for my match against Punk. Punk and I are friends outside of the ring but since I "whine, cry, and bitch" inside of the ring, we're in an on screen rivalry. It's funny because that's how I am outside of the ring too. I have become a bitchy mess, because I miss my side kick, my best friend, my posing partner in crime, and just simply the man that has always been there for me... Edge.

I have missed him since he suffered his career ending injury. He loves this job more then anybody else does, it was his dream since he was a child. Then, all because of the spear and Alberto Del Rio, it gets ripped right out of his hands. I don't think that it's fair at all, and all I want for Christmas this year is for Adam to come back and finally get all of the praise that he deserves. Plus, it wouldn't be a bad look for him, with a bow on his chest and a white toothed smile across his face, but of course I know that my wish is not going to come true.  Sometimes when you wish upon a star, dreams don't come true.

I miss the whole "For those of you with the advantage of flash photography" act we would do. I miss all of the goofy poses that we would make that would have me laughing in the locker room even if we did lose the match. I miss his red and black star pants, and his black leather jackets that had his logo on them. I miss the way he would tie up his boots while sitting right next to me. I miss the way he would look at me like I was his prince. I miss the days of going out ringside with him, and defending his if something bad happened. I just miss him in general. When his wrestling career died, it was like he had died with it. Wrestling WAS his life. It just sucks.

I must have zoned out thinking about him like I normally do, because I snapped back in to hearing my name being called and Punk telling me that it was time to head to the Guerrilla Position and wait for our theme songs to be played. Punk was the only one who felt any sort of sympathy for me. It was like Punk could see inside of my head and figure out just how bad I was missing Edge. I went for constantly having him by my side into not seeing him that much and it felt as if that was stabbing at my chest and causing me to be more miserable then I already was.

"So, are you ready for this?" Punk asked as if he knew something that I didn't. The smug smile on his face didn't help my thinking either. I didn't have time to think much about it however since the next minute my theme was blasting through the speakers and it was time for me to make my appearance. I did my usual act of searching the crowd for peeps and then walking to the ring.  I jumped up on the ropes and searched for peeps some more, it was like my signature pose. Then, I got down and walked over to my corner bouncing up and down and waiting for Punk's theme to play.

Happy Edgy New Year (Edge/ Christian) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now