Chapter 16

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-Edge's Point of View-

It is now New Year's Eve and we were arriving in New York City. It was currently 10 at night and John, Jason, and I were playing drinking games as Phil was watching in distest. He hated when anybody got drunk while he chose to remain sober, and I didn't blame him because it was typically the sober ones who ended up playing babysitter while the drunk ones run amuck. I let Jason open his Christmas gifts as the night proceeded to go on. I could tell that he didn't want to lose me because he was being clingier  then usual and he kept nuzzling into my chest his dark brown eyes turning into pools as he would think about what he thought was going to happen at the end of the night.

The ball sat at the top of the drop shimmering and sparkling a silver color as the partygoers around it smiled. It was getting nearer and nearer to the time that the ball was going to drop, and when I checked my watch it was 11:45 p.m. There was 15 more minutes until the ball would drop and I craddled Jason in my arms and let him cry because he didn't want to lose me, as much as this broke my heart I wasn't going to spoil the secret just yet.

"I don't want you to go, I've already dealt with missing you too much this year and I'm going to miss you even more now that I have just spent the past week waking up every single day in your arms and knowing that you're my boyfriend, do you know what they say about long distance relationships? They never last. That's what they always say." Christian cried into my chest and I checked my watch 11:55, time to tell him.

"And you know what?" I asked as he shook, looking up at me with shaking hands.

"It's going to be rejection. You're going to say that you don't love me and you don't want me to be your boyfriend anymore." He cried while I heard '3...2...1...HAPPY NEW YEAR!' and then the fireworks going off behind his head. I crashed my lips onto his and whipped away the tears.

"They say that New Year's kisses make the relationship stronger, and Vince is letting me stay around so Happy Edgy New Year babe." I said with a smirk.

"You're an asshole, but I love you.  Happy New Year babe." He said back rolling his eyes with a happy smile.

"I'm your asshole baby, and a I love you too. I always will."

Happy Edgy New Year (Edge/ Christian) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now