Chapter 2

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-Punk's Point of View-

I was sitting in my car waiting for the wrestling gates to open. I had my radio blaring with wrestling music, mixed with rock. I had arrived at the arena early today because I knew the secret that nobody else besides Vince knew. For Christmas this year, Christian was getting his own little piece of Edge. Edge was going to show up ringside for Christian's and my match. It was going to kill me to keep this secret from Christian, but I knew that I had to.

The only reason I knew the secret is because Vince needed somewhere to hide a long blonde haired tall man, and I was the one who had the best tour bus that took it on the road. Edge and I would hang out in the bus until my name was announced to go out to the ring. Vince finally arrived with Adam and we all headed inside.

"It's nice to have you back man. Christian has been missing you like crazy. He's become whiny, and mopey without you. The only thing that he will talk about usually is you.  You were his rock, and once you went away he fell apart." I stated just trying to make casual conversation. 

"I missed him too. We have been best friends since kindergarten, and we basically grew up together. We came into this business together and we planned to stay in it together too. Then, well we all know what happened." Adam said slowly trailing off. It was obvious to everybody but them that they liked each other and not just as brothers but as lovers. They had been seperated for too long and the best part of being seperated is being put back together again.

"Well okay, we don't have to keep going over the mushy details of how bad they miss each other. Let's just get Edge to your bus." Vince said undoubtedly snapping both Edge and I out of our thoughts, considering both of our heads snapped up like we were afraid we had missed some important detail of what he had said.

"Sorry Vince, I'll go to the bus now." Adam said apologetically, as I showed him the way to the bus. We both got on to it, and flipped on the tv. I changed the channel to the wrestling station so that we could watch and wait for my match. I started falling asleep and Edge let me sleep until it was time for me to go out to the ring.

I stood next to Christian trying not to make it painfully obvious that I knew a secret that he didn't know. He's been looking so sad lately. It's like his world ended when Edge left because the x rays said that he couldn't wrestle anymore.

"So, you ready for this?" I asked curiously before his theme song hit and Edge slowly came out of hiding after Christian went out. Now it was simply a waiting game for the shock to spread over Christian's face when he hears the "You Think You Know Me" theme instead of "Cult of Personality".

Happy Edgy New Year (Edge/ Christian) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now