Chapter 6

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-Edge's Point of View-

It was adorable when Jason got jealous, and I guess that's kind of why I said what I said but I felt bad about it. He was now asleep in my lap, and snoring lightly. I watched the end of Raw and then picked Jason up bridal style and carried him to his car, grabbing the car keys from the landyard that was around his waist. I put the keys in the ignition and the radio came on blaring rock music. I turned the radio down hoping that it didn't wake Jason, and then started driving down the freeway to the hotel that we were staying at that week. I finally woke Jason up as we arrived at the hotel.

"How long have I been out?" He asked sleepily, and god damn that sleepy voice of his was sexy. It made me want him a little bit more. I was glad that he was mine and I really didn't want to leave him at the end of this week but I knew that I was going to have to. We checked into our hotel room and got all of Jason's stuff into the room, when I remembered that Vince still had my clothes. I was going to have to figure out where his room was tomorrow morning but for tonight I just took my shirt off and climbed into one of the beds leaving the other one for Jason.

He still climbed into my bed however. He wrapped his arms around my waist with a cheeky smile. "I want to cuddle." He said childishly. As he rested his head on my bare chest. It tickled slightly, but it felt so right to have him in my arms at night for the first time in my life.

"You're adorable when you get all clingy." I commented with a smile. He was cute all of the time, don't get me wrong but he got even more adorable when he gets cuddly and tired. Maybe, I would ask Vince if I could stay around a bit longer and not wrestle but just be by Jason's side.

"Thanks." He said with a cute yawn as he got up to turn out the lights. He returned back to the bed and pulled his soft red heavy blanket over top of us, and nuzzled into my chest again. "Good night Adam Copeland." He said with a smile as he kissed my chest.

"Good night Jason Reso." I said knowing that he really didn't like his first name of William. I wrapped my arms around his body, and closed my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.

A\N: Sorry that this chapter is so short, it's just a filler chapter.

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