Chapter 5

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-Christian's Point of View-

Phil came in to tell me that Adam had passed out so of course I sprinted back to my locker room. I didn't want him to be hurt. He was my best friend who I loved with all of my heart. He in my opinion was the best guy in the universe. When Phil and I got back to Adam, Phil put his head into his lap and I got a cold washcloth to put on his forehead just in case it had been because of the heat that he had passed out. It gets really hot back here.

I stayed by his side and flipped the cold washcloth when I felt like it was needed, until his pretty green eyes opened. His face looked dazed and confused as if he couldn't figure out what was going on. I could feel his grip unconsciously tighten as he tried to sit up.

"What happened?" He asked with his eyebrows furrowed and his lips pursed.

"You blacked out when you told me what went on between you and Jason. You've been out for a good 30 minutes." Phil explained, as Adam looked panicked. He looked as if he had been thinking about what to do since I told him, and as bad as I wanted to know the answer, I was terrified of rejection.  "Well do you like him back?" Phil continued and I decided to stop him.

"He doesn't have to answer that." I injected almost scared. I didn't want to know his answer. I didn't want his answer to be no he didn't like me. It wouldn't be a Christmas present, it would be a Christmas nightmare, and I didn't want to deal with a ruined Christmas again. It wouldn't just ruin my Christmas, it would ruin my friendship with Adam in general.

It still looked like he was going to answer so I zoned out. That is until I felt his lips on my cheek and I blushed as red as a firetruck. "I love him with all of my heart, I just don't want to wreck this friendship. He's so close to me that he could be family, but I have feelings for him that I would never have for a family member." He said as he went to kiss my cheek again but at the last moment I turned my head so that our lips connected, and I finally got the kiss that I have needed since he had me pinned against the wall.

"I'm glad you guys finally kissed and made up." Phil joked making a smile spread across Adam's face as he chuckled slightly. I seriously have no idea how Phil can get into people minds and read them like a book, but it seemed like Phil had always knew that Adam and I liked each other, and he was just waiting for us to finally get together. Adam sat all of the way up and pulled me into his lap. It felt so right being in his arms and being able to cuddle up to him.

"Can we have some alone time Phil?" Adam asked gently, as Phil chuckled and made his way out of the room. "I love you, Jason." He commented as soon as the door was closed.

"I love you too, Adam." I said with a smile that spread. Adam pinned me again, and kissed me as his legs took a spot on the sides of my waist. I smiled slightly as I kissed back. I loved his dominant side that only fully came out when he was in the ring or when he was with me. He was the man for me that would have my love for probably the rest of my life.

"What about we have our own little live sex celebration like Lita and I had." He said jokingly as he bit my neck causing me to moan slightly. I couldn't help my jealousy though as I pushed him off of me, pouting. I didn't like that I had to watch him have sex with a woman in the middle of the ring when I was in love with him. I wanted to be the one that he celebrated being WWE Champion with, but I would never tell him that. Well, I also said that I would never tell him that I loved him and that happened.

"I wanted to be the first person that you stuck your dick inside of. It fucking hurt to watch you fuck Amy in the middle of the ring you asshole." I said bitterly as he looked down obviously feeling bad.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you jealous." He said as he got up and sat on the couch. I sat next to him but then decided to lay in his lap, making him look at me with apologetic eyes. "I love you Jason. I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking." He said as he tried to kiss me again and I let him, kissing back softly.

"It's okay,  I'm just bitter." I admitted, as I nuzzled my head into his lap with a yawn.

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