Chapter 7

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-Christian's Point of View-

I woke up the next morning in Adam's arms. It felt so right to be awake in his arms. I loved cuddling up to him, he was always warm and his body temperature could always get me to sleep. He was the only reason why I could sleep at all after Eddie died. His warmth made it so that I could sleep. He was my everything at that time. He was all that I could cling onto and it felt right to wake up in his arms for the forst time in my life. I didn't feel like waking up so I just decided to start tracing circles onto his stomach not so roughly that he would wake up but just enough so that I didn't  fall back asleep. I didn't want to wake up and him not be there.

That's when I heard a knock on the door and I groaned. "Who is it?" I called out. Not really wanting to get up to check who it was.

"It's Vince, I have all of Adam's clothes and I thought that he would want them." Vince said as I went to open the door, Adam was awake by that time but he had to go to the restroom, so I brought all of Adam's stuff into our room with a little help from Vince. He was only staying for a week, why did he find it that urgent to bring 5 bags of clothes with him? Or was there something that he wasn't telling me?

"Adam! Why the hell do you have so many bags?" I called out after Vince had left.

"Simply. One is my shoes, one of them is for the clothes that I'm going to sleep in.  The big one is for my management clothing. One of them is filled with hair products, and the last one is filled with everyday clothing." He simply stated as if it were no big deal that he had so much.

"You're such a girl." I teased sticking my tongue out slightly.

"I'll so you how much of a man I am when you're on your hands and knees with me behind you." He teased back, making me flush red again. He was such a tease to me, and the way that I have wanted him for a long time made me want him even more. He was the one that I wanted to lose my virginity to, but I knew that he wouldn't be losing his virginity to me. That card was already dealt to Amy, and it did make me jealous but it also lit a fire underneath me to make it so that he wanted me as much as I wanted him.

So, I nipped his neck and kissed the bruise I made to make sure that it would leave a long lasting hickey. The moan that it earned me had my gears spinning. I smirked though as I just simply pulled away, and walked to take a shower. I was still all sweaty from my match against Phil last night, and I was starting to feel all disgusting.  I took off my clothes and turned the water on so that it was warm enough to relax my muscles and relieve the aches that my back and neck felt.

That's when I heard a few of Adam's moans, and I was scared to think what I was thinking. Was he cheating on me? I finished my shower wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out of the room, and into the room where a pantless Adam had a hand wrapped around himself and was getting lost in his moans.

"Would you like some help with that?" I asked teasingly as I climbed into the bed with him.

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