Chapter 13

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-Christian's Point of View-

After Adam had spent so much money on me at the mall I had concocted a plan that would let me pay for him instead of the other way around. It would require tears, and silence however, but I was going to get my way whether he liked it or not. We walked into IHop and I started playing with the hem of my shirt without really saying anything until he asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing's wrong, it's just, why do you keep buying everything when you're the guest and I should be the one paying for your things?" I said closing my eyes slightly and willing tears to come to my eyes although they never came and I was hoping my act would still succeed without them.

"It's because I want to give you something to remember me by when I do have to leave, and plus I haven't given you your Christmas gifts yet, so you're going to accept me buying you stuff. It's kind of what you do in a relationship. Plus, I need to spend this money before I go insane not knowing what to do with it." He teased with that smart ass reply that I knee he would always give be whenever I asked about spending money. He thought that it was his duty as my boyfriend to spend money on me, and I thought the exact opposite. We talked to the waiter that was at the standing platform where you would get a booth or table and then he ascorted us unseen to the private booth area where we could eat in peace that the other customer's wouldn't bother us.

"I love the food here." I said dreamily as I drooled over a stack of double chocolate pancakes that I would soon get a chance to order, and Adam looked through his menu no doubt looking at all of the prices to chose the lowest costing item. When the waiter came back, I was kind of glad that he wasn't a bleached blonde with gigantic boobs that would hit on Adam until her face turned blue.

"What can I get you two to drink?" He asked assertively as if he knew exactly what he was doing. He was very prefessional and I had to admire that about him. He wasn't going to let our fame get to him, and he was doing his best to make sure that both of us were comfortable.

"I'll have a Mountain Dew." Adam said as I rolled my eyes at his strange addiction to Mtn Dew. It was by far his favorite drink and he wasn't going to drink anything else when he knew he had a chance to have Mountain Dew.

"I'll have a coffee, please." I said politely making the waiter smile at me. Adam did exactly what I did when he ordered a Mountain Dew probably thinking the exact same thing that I had just thought.  I might or might not have had an addiction to caffeine, it just had a soothing effect on me. The waitor wrote down what we both wanted and then left.

"You're addicted to caffeine." Adam teased childishly.

"Well, you're addicted to Mountain Dew so I guess we're even." I teased back as I kissed him slightly and laid my head on his shoulder excited for the day ahead of us.

The waiter came back with a pad of paper and our drinks. He took our orders and just as I suspected Adam ordered the lowest costing appatizer but he made me happy when he ordered a huge stack of pancakes. When, we finished eating Adam finally let me pay for the check and we walked out of the resturant hand in hand and took a seat in my Silver Cobra. After a few minutes of pointless rambling and random conversation I started the car and we started driving off to Cold Stone where I could fill my sweet tooth appetite.

Happy Edgy New Year (Edge/ Christian) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now