Chapter 15

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-Christian's Point of View-

I woke up on Phil's tour bus craving coffee so I asked him if he would mind if I made myself a cup which he didn't protest to as I plugged the coffee maker in and the tour bus driver started driving all of us back to the hotel telling us that we had to be on the road to New York in 3 hours or else we wouldn't get to watch the ball drop considering that New York was a day drive away from where we currently were and with the ball traffic we would have to drive in early in order to get the good standing spots.

Adam and I rolled off of the bed and got to our feet in unison, it was kind of creepy but anyways we went to pack our bags because Phil said that we could ride with him to New York if we wanted and Cody would drive my car up there because John and Phil wanted to spend New Year's Eve with each other and they decided to share their tour bus with Adam and I because they knew just as well as I did that I wanted to be asleep in his arms the day before New Year's Eve and New Year's Eve with my arms around Adam or his around me. It just felt right to be in his arms. After about 2 hours of packing all of our scattered belongings, Adam and I returned to Phil's bus dragging our bags behind us. I thought that Adam had a lot of bags and then I remembered that I had 22 bags filled with clothes because I had to have an outfit for every day of the year just in case I didn't have any time to stop at a laundry mat and all of them were packed full of clothes to the point where both Adam and I had to take one bag at a time out to the tour bus.

It took us about an hour to get everything loaded and by that time it was time to leave and John and Phil were getting on the bus. I didn't even want to know how they got everything packed so quickly because they were both like mini supermen. They had the muscles and the abs to go with the whole Superman look. With that thought I made myself giggle earning a suspicious look from Adam.

"Sorry, I just pictured Phil and John in Superman outfits." I admitted, although one of them was in a female superman outfit which is why I was actually giggling.

"Why were you picturing us in Superman outfits?" John asked slightly confused and his deep voice was showing it. He got into the refrigerator as we were talking.

"It's because my mind couldn't figure out how you two got packed so quickly."I explained as he offered Adam and I a beer earning a groan out of Punk.

"Not to interrupt this interesting conversation, but when are you going to stop that disgusting habit?" Phil asked seeming annoyed with John.

"I'm sorry babe, it's going to be worse tomorrow." John said trying to be honest, that's what he thrived on. Hustle, Loyalty, and Respect. Respect in his version meant constantly telling the truth, but sometimes he had to take a break from drinking if he wanted to keep his straight edged boyfriend happy. They made a cute couple but only when they weren't fighting.

"But John..." Phil whined as if he really really didn't want John to get drunk.

"Okay, I wouldn't drink tonight but New Year's Eve is all about getting drunk." John said triumphantly as Phil finally gave up his protest and just accepted it, John put the beer back and just cuddled Phil to his chest, making Phil smile as if he were love drunk which is the only type of drunk that this straight edged superstar would ever want.

We spent the rest of the night playing stupid games such as Truth or Dare, and Would You Rather until we all crashed in our lover's arms. I was preparing myself for a week of heartache after tomorrow and I don't think that I'm ready for it.

Happy Edgy New Year (Edge/ Christian) *Complete*Where stories live. Discover now