Chapter 4

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-Edge's Point of View-

I watched in shock as Christian sprinted off. He can't like me, he just can't.  I'm too scared that I'll hurt him and everything that we built up friendwise would be destroyed. I can't risk that, but I also can't stand to see him upset, so now it was a matter of what I wanted to do. Did I want to keep this sacred friendship, or did I want to risk it and make both him and I happy? I didn't know and it was making my head spin until Phillip showed up and started talking.

"Why do I have a crying Christian in my tour bus? He should be happy that you're here." He asked/ stated. Making me have to share Christian's secret with him. It was the only way that Phil would be able to give me any advice on Jason. My head was still reeling but I opened my mouth to talk.

"He admitted that he liked me as more then just a brother and then he sprinted off like a bat out of hell."I said as my head continued to spin. I was so confused on what I wanted to do and I felt myself start to lose balance and I slipped and fell hoping that something besides my neck would break my fall. I wound up in Phil's arms after I came to my sense what only felt like a few minutes later but Christian was back in the room and running cold water onto a rag and placing it onto my forehead with a slight smile.

"What happened?" I asked slightly dazed. I felt as if I had lost all sense of reality and I was struggling to remember myself. Although seeing Christian jolted something in my mind. It reminded me that something had happened between me and him a couple of minutes ago that caused me to black out. What was it though? Christian wouldn't lay a hand on me outside of the ring. Also, why was Phil in Jason's locker room? That's when it all started slowly clicking on my mind and everything became clear again.

"You blacked out once you told me what went on between you and Jason. You've been out for a good 30 minutes." Phil explained making me fully understand again that Christian had told me that he loved me and the reason why I blanked was because I didn't know how to handle it. I liked him a lot but I seriously couldn't risk this friendship that I had worked to build between us, and it was slowly killing me.

"Well, do you like him back?" Phil asked looking into my eyes like he was peering into my soul.

"He doesn't have to answer that." Christian quickly said,  as if he was terrified of my answer. I felt bad because he was so obviously upset that he had admitted to liking me. I wrapped my arms around his smaller body and brought my lips to his cheek. Finally making my decision.

"I love him with all of my heart, I just don't want to wreck this friendship. He's so close to me that he could be family, but I have feelings for him that I would never have for a family member." I said as I went to kiss his cheek again but he cleverly turned his head making me kiss his sweet tasting lips instead. Which made my heart flutter. Something about this felt so right to me that I ignored all feelings that it might be wrong.

"I'm glad you guys finally kissed and made up." Phil joked as if he had always known that this would happen sooner or later. I never have understood his whole mysterious way of figuring stuff out before anybody else knew, but I was not in a position to question it. I would just chose to be happy with Christian and accept whatever consequences this might have on our friendship if this relationship ever fails.

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