Chapter 3

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-Christian's Point of View-

I was waiting in the ring to hear Punk's theme go off. I closed my eyes to relax before the match but once I heard the theme that actually started playing my eyes snapped back open. They weren't just simply opened halfway, they opened all of the way and I could feel my jaw hit the ground. All because the theme that started playing wasn't The Straightedged Superstars theme, it was the Rated R Superstar, and my best friend, Edge's theme. I watched him walk halfway down the ramp and jumped as his fireworks went off.

His long blonde hair was now cropped short, but I had to admit that it was a good look on him. He was dressed in his wrestling tights, and black leather jacket along with his wrestling boots. But this couldn't be, he can't wrestle anymore, he promised that he would be back though, so I guess this is his way of keeping his word. That was the one thing that he always had in this world, he would always keep his promises. I had to admit that I was probably having a little too much fun watching him strut his way into the ring.

He grabbed for a microphone and brought it up to his lips, I watched his lips move as he spoke clearly into it. "Merry Christmas, Christian. I'm here to be your present." He said as he took off his jacket and I saw the red bow that he had on his chest. I smiled slightly as I undoubtedly blushed. "I'll be here at ringside for your match against Punk." He said and the crowd went wild.

I watched him take a seat next to Jerry at the announcement table, and put his headset on.  I felt so stunned that he was actually here in person and not just a voice on my phone. I focused my attention back onto the match and listened as Punk's theme song hit. I watched Punk enter the ring but not as intently as I had watched Adam. I heard the bell ring as the match started.

A few minutes later I had Punk set up for the Killswitch and perfectly executed it, earning myself the three count pin. The referee held up my hand as Edge walked into the ring and picked me up spinning me around slightly. I loved being in his arms it just felt right to me. He set me down and continued to celebrate with me as we walked back to the backstage area, and into my locker room.

"Why are you back so soon?!?!?!" I asked excitedly as I had a smile that spread across my face, from ear to ear.  I was glad that he was back, I was overjoyed that I could finally be in his arms.... I mean overjoyed that I could be in his protection. I'm not helping myself, am I?

"Well, Phillip said that you miss your Adam. To be honest, I missed you alot too. It sucks to have to be away from you and my wrestling career. It was my dream since childhood. I missed the boys in the back too." He said and I applaused his honesty.

"Well, I did miss you.  You're my best friend, I love you man." I said with a slight chuckle so that he wouldn't  take the 'I love you' too seriously. It was true, I did have feelings for him but after I fell for a straight guy that completely tore me apart, I promised myself that I would never love again. I had no reason to love again, but then I saw Adam acting all cute one day, and I fell... hard. I will never admit it though, I can't risk losing a best friend because I can't contain my feelings. I've already been broken apart enough, I can't risk being broken again.

"I love you too Christian." He said with a smile, as if he didn't know that just simply those words made my heart flutter. He said it as if he had no idea exactly how much those words meant to me, and I wasn't going to show it no matter how bad being with him would make me the happiest person in the universe. He was my sun, my moon, and everything in between. I couldn't help but drift off into Christianland whenever I would think of him. I kept the promise to myself to keep this secret that I was gay for my best friend to myself.

"What are you thinking about Jason?" Adam asked using my real name. He only used my real name if we were outside of the arena or when he was being serious.

"Stuff." I simply said only because I didn't want to admit to him what I was actually thinking about. It's a shameful thing and I felt as if I would be shunned if I told him.

"Seriously, Jason." He said firmer and I knew that I was about to crack so I started pacing around my locker room, remaining silent that way I wouldn't have to say anything that I wouldn't want to. That's when I heard the couch rustle and my hands were being pinned above my head by Adam and my back was against the wall. He got close to my face to the point where I could feel his breath everytime he would breathe. It made me blush when I didn't want to. "Tell. Me. What. Is. Going. On. I. Come. Out. Ringside. And. You. Blush. I. Have. You. Against. The. Wall. And. You. Blush. Now. Tell. Me. Jason. I'm. Not. Going. To. Ask. Again." He said making every word he said fierce like a tiger, waiting to pounce.

"I'm just overheated." I lied, knowing that he would catch me in it.

"Bullshit." He stated as his face grew more intense, and I melted under the pressure I did the one thing that I didn't want to do. The one thing that I was terrified of admitting out loud because it made it true.

"I'm in love with you, Adam. Okay? Now let me go." I snapped back and his face changed into one of shock as his arms dropped and he let me go. I knew that I would come back sooner or later, because I would have to. That time was not now though as I ran to Punk's bus.

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