Chapter One

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Millies pov
"Excuse me ms."
I snorted awake, to a flight attendant lightly shaking me.
I felt instantly insecure due to the fact that she looked all pretty and neat, and here I am messy excuse of hair and mascara smudged under my eyes left from crying in the airplane bathrooms which by the way the flush scares me half to death!

"We've landed in New York ms."
She said a smile plastered on her face.

New York, New York, New York, New York.

Memories flushing back, why the fuck am I in New York?

That's right, you're here because you're such a coward you can't even think of staying in the same country as the man who broke your heart.

"Ms? You need to get off the Plane."
I slowly nodded unbuckling my seat belt and getting my bags from the top compartment.

I un clipped my neck pillow and walked off the plane.

New York such a big place, completely different to Sydney.

I carefully walked down the stairs of the plane.
I followed the arrows directing me to the airport.

And when I entered I was welcomed by the loud noises, the smells. Everything and I took it all in, and started walking forward.

I checked my phone, and took it off airplane mode.
"66 missed calls"
I sniffled and texted my friend Lola, Lola and I met online 3 years ago.

She'd been begging me to come meet her in New York sometime but "someone" was always holding me down.

And now I'm free of that someone and I can do whatever the fuck I want!

Is what I keep telling myself.

Lola 🐒
Hey remember where my apartment is?

Yeah! I've actually just landed, should be there soon.

Lola 🐒
Yay! Can't wait to see you bby! Don't even think about that douche you called a boyfriend as soon as you get here we're watching every show and movie on netflix.

Sounds good, see you soon xx

I put my phone in my pocket, and grabbed my head phones out putting some music on. I lagged Down the long airport holding all my bags, looking terrible.

But if only I knew what the world had in store for me.
As I mouthed the lyrics to my favourite song which is canyon moon. I realised there was a crowd of people up ahead of me.

I wasn't excited for this, I was to tired to deal with this bullshit. I think I got 1 and a half hours of sleep?

As I got closer to this group of people, I started to frown Hearing over my music the cries and screams of people.

I took one head phone of my ear, curious.
I had to get past this pack of people, I had a taxi picking me up in- I checked my watch.
12 minutes and I have to get past all the bag checks.

My face grew annoyed as I pushed past people, I smiled when I heard the groans of people when I pushed past them.

My bag rolling over peoples feet, well not my fault I need to get past this.
Until it realised I was in a circle, people surrounding me, I backed up until I felt my back hit someone.

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