Chapter 7

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The villagers hooted in celebration when they saw the lone figure shamble towards them. Lano had not abandoned them after all. Hope captured their optimistic hearts, spilling out from eyes that sparkled in delight. The cheers crescendo as he approached. However, when he come closer, the merriment died in their throats almost immediately, replaced by a petrified stillness. They all just stood there, gawking at the man that came before them.

The bereaved king was a wreck; a skeleton of a man, his ashy skin hanging where flesh once was. He had lost so much weight it was a wonder he could even stand without toppling over. His uncombed mane was in knots that could only be addressed by a scissors. His eyes, bloodshot and hollow, were filled with an impassivity that had never before been seen in that sapphire pair. It was the first time the people got a chance to see their king since his arrival two months before. It was a fearsome sight.

Mutely, the mass parted, and Lano plodded through, his eyes fixated on the ground before him. He stopped at the front of the crowd, and felt the young Chief Warrior's gaze on him. He lifted his head and met his eyes, finding that he smiled at him in relief. Such optimism. Lano pursed his lips and focused on the impostor king, who also goggled at the state he was in, taken aback by the unexpected yet delicious surprise. At last, he had something to smile about. He tittered shamelessly.

"My, my, for a man who claims to be king of the paupers, you sure know how to dress for the part," he jeered.

Lano simply eyed him in silence. Kaana cocked his head. The man showed no emotion; no anger, no guilt, no fear, nothing. He was just...there.

"Well?" he taunted. "Have you nothing to say? Aren't you going to defend your supposed title instead of having your pets defend it for you?" He smirked. "Surely, if you were brave enough to execute your wife and child, there couldn't possibly be anything left for you to fear now."

Lano's gaze faltered only momentarily. He swallowed and raised his chin.

"Admit it, Lano," Kaana bullied. "You are nothing but a weak coward. The daughter you killed was stronger than you could ever hope to be. This kingdom has no need for you. I am the rightful king of Gaina. Bow down and admit it!"

"The king of Gaina bows to no one!" Jumu protested.

The crowd roared in agreement, only to be quickly cut short by a loud cry that came from the shriveled king.


The people stopped and fidgeted nervously, expectation in their every move. The weakness in his voice was not lost to them, but it did not drive away the anticipation that was lit in their hearts. This was it. This was the defining moment. Lano would stand up to Kaana, and things would never be the same. Kaana would know that his days on the throne were numbered.

Lano stepped forward and looked Kaana in the eye. The new king braced himself and waited, a sneer on his face. After a moment, Lano took a deep breath and began.

"The people of Paupers Village are right when they say Gaina has but one king."

Ululations rose from the crowd. Kaana gritted his teeth.

"But that king is not me," Lano went on.

The crowd let out a collective gasp. Kaana's mouth spread into a beastly smile.

"I have proven to be an unworthy king, and consequently submit to this authority as punishment for my crimes."

"Your Majesty!" Jumu protested, stepping towards him.

"I have spoken, Jumu!" Lano bellowed, lashing out with his arm. "King Lano is no more."

He pivoted to return to his house, but Kaana was not satisfied.

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