Chapter 12

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"Later on" was an eternity away for Nola, even though it proved only to be two hours later. Mada picked her up at her room and casually led her through the palace. As they walked, he talked about one thing or another but Nola didn't pay attention. She was too excited to hear a thing. This was history in the making for her. After a lifetime of believing that Gaina was all there was, now she was about to explore an entirely different kingdom. She could hardly wait!

The moment they stepped out of the huge double doors and into the sunlight, Nola's face broke into a smile. The air was filled with the fragrance of flowers and fruit. She stepped out onto the courtyard and looked up at the sky. It was a deep shade of blue that gradually faded into white, with not a single cloud to be seen. She spread out her arms and enjoyed the feel of the warm sun on her skin. She could feel it seep into her bones and warm her to her core, sending jolts of energy through her veins. A light breeze gently brushed its invisible fingers over her face and she closed her eyes as she inhaled, breathing it all in.

"Kumera," she exhaled.

"Come with me," Mada prodded, enjoying her reaction already.

Nola eagerly followed him out of the courtyard and down the road. She noticed that they would not be riding, and that Karr was the only soldier accompanying them. It came as a relief to Nola; the last thing she needed was a large audience as she explored this new world. The road that led from the palace was cobbled and well maintained. On either side were blankets of grass lined with perfectly sheared shrubs. Couples obviously ambled among them, and children played hide and go seek.

As they strolled into the town square, Mada pointed out several buildings to her: the butchers, the bakers, the library, the church. Nola had interrupted him then to ask what a church was, and he explained that was where the people of Kumera gathered to learn more about Jesus, and pray to him. Anxious to see how it looked inside, she begged her guides to take her. Her heart pounded in anticipation, for though she knew he would not physically be there, this was his house, and that meant something.

The building was big and spacious, with a high ceiling and rows of pews that took up a little more than half of the room. It looked serene and special, and the air inside had a sort of comfortable stillness to it. Nola was sure that she would be a frequent visitor to this place. Yes indeed.

Once she had finished inspecting every nook and cranny of the church, Mada led her back outside and continued his tour around the town square. Nola couldn't help but gape at everything she saw. People were happy here, and content, with a spirit of togetherness she was yet to see among her own people. Everything was bright and colourful, and the mood unspoiled with haughtiness or unjust behavior.

Mada finally led her on a path away from the square. It was a tiny but well used path, forged by the thousands of feet that trampled on it day after day. As he did so, he and Karr took turns in sharing their favourite places in the kingdom, a topic that Nola greatly enjoyed. But it was more than the subject really; she enjoyed the company even more. Mada had proven to be an interesting man endowed with charm, wit, and an element of mischief. He had her doubled over in laughter every other minute that she begged him to give her a break in order to recover from her aching sides.

Karr was of no help either, for though he was subject to the king, they bantered like old friends, doing their best to outwit and out-trick each other every time. It made their trek over the green expanse very memorable indeed. But after moments of seeing nothing but the bare countryside, Nola couldn't restrain herself any longer.

"I'm sorry, but where is the festival?" She asked. "Your mother had assured me that it is a must see."

In high spirits, and already feeling very at ease in her presence, Mada winked at her with a lopsided grin.

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