Chapter 18

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It was morning, and though it was beautiful and shining outside, the mood was very dreary within the palace walls. The reason behind this was Kaana's increasingly irritable and moody state. He picked at his food with a scowl, looking quite disgusted with it, as though he would throw up in any minute. It was his insomnia. Sleep still eluded him, paving the way for all sorts of horrific ideas to steal their way into his mind. Horrific ideas like the pariah princess was haunting him; paying him back for what he did to her by denying him peace. No matter what he did, he could not shake the deep feeling of dread within him. It grew stronger with each passing day, alerting him to the sense that something was coming; something big and frightening. Something that would take him down in an instant. This night though, the something had a name, had a face, and it was clear as day, though it made no sense. After all, he had killed her. She was dead. Nola was dead, so why did she haunt him so?

He had been there at Castaway Cliffs when she was thrown off into the turbulent waters below. The image of her corpse floating away on the currents, then disappearing into their depths was one he would never forget; one that had brought him so much satisfaction and relief then. The waters were her grave...because nobody could survive Rage River. Nobody.

Standing by the wall were Vuma and Hola, the only two people Kaana felt safe and secure with, apparently. They watched the troubled king in silence, each keeping their thoughts to themselves. This morning the king seemed particularly bothered, like a simple poke would send him shattering to pieces. He hadn't slept a wink during the night, dividing his time between pacing in his room and going to the royal library. Then he'd woken the entire palace up by banging on random doors, demanding breakfast, threatening to execute every single person if he wasn't fed immediately. Such ruckus, only to take one bite and poke around at the rest of his food.

Vuma and Hola were at an understanding. Kaana needed to go. Vuma did not need to say much to get the healer on his side. He'd been ready ever since he watched the princess die at the hands of the people, under Kaana's incitement. All he had been waiting for was the opportunity.

"It's not possible, is it?" Kaana broke the silence, staring at his plate. "To survive such a whipping and mobbing." He turned to Hola with chilly eyes. "It's not possible."

Hola's eyes widened only a bit.

"No," he stammered. "Not it is not, Your Majesty."

Kaana's eyes grew chillier.

"So she's dead."

Hola's brows slightly furrowed.

"Of course, Majesty. I checked her myself. She was dead. She is dead. There's no way she could have survived."

Kaana bolted to his feet and headed out.

"Vuma, with me!" he ordered over his shoulder.

The warrior and healer exchanged glances. Kaana was clearly paranoid. That could prove either advantageous or disadvantageous to them. It was one thing to deal with an animal that was backed up into a corner. But to deal with one that was put there by paranoia? That was something that had no definite results. Vuma walked out and followed the king.

He followed him to the palace stables. Without a word, Kaana snatched the reins of his horse from the stable hand and pulled himself onto the animal. Vuma was on his a second later.

"Where to, Majesty?" he asked.

Kaana hesitated for only a moment.

"Castaway Cliffs," he mumbled. "Try to keep up."

With that he sped off. Vuma blinked in surprise. Why would he want to go there? He flicked the reins of his steed and raced after him. Kaana did not slow down for anything. He simple charged forward like an unseen force compelled him. The urgency on his face, and in how he was leaned forward in his saddle, body completely tensed, made Vuma wonder if Kaana actually worried that the princess would come back from the dead.

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