Chapter 25

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Kaana roared and swiped the papers off his huge desk in fury. They fluttered to the ground and spread out in a fan.

"How could you let this happen?" he thundered, his icy eyes piercing. "What good are you if my rein is hanging by a thread thanks to your negligence?"

Vuma simply looked back at him, hands behind his back, and face stony. Silent as a mouse, Hola listened from where he stood by the wall. The silence forced Kaana to take in a deep breath and exhale. He calmed a little and paced. Everything was falling apart. Not only was he getting no peace from within, but now there were rumours of some mysterious hero going around the kingdom helping people. Nobody saw him up close, catching only glimpses of him shrouded in his cloak as he sped by. He never stopped for longer than a second, denying people from getting a good look at him. They had given him a name: the cloaked servant.

This news enraged the king. The people may have been easily fooled, but he wasn't. Of course it was Jumu. Who else thrived on being a thorn in his side? Speed like lightning, strength of an ox, skills that drop warriors by the dozens; it all pointed to him. With every person he helped, and every warrior he warded off, he was gaining popularity fast. The people had someone new to believe in, and hope for a kingdom without Kaana was ablaze in their hearts. He knew it from the small skirmishes that erupted from time to time between civillians and his warriors.

When I die, they will rise.

Kaana gritted his teeth. Her warning had come true. Jumu had stepped into her shoes, and was walking in her footsteps diligently. Kaana spun round to face his warrior.

"Doesn't it bother you that this cloaked servant has managed to slip past you countless times? Because it certainly bothers me!" He barked. "How is he able to move around so frequently without detection?"

Vuma slightly lifted his shoulder.

"I am still trying to figure that out, Your Majesty," he answered. "He must have studied our patrol shifts well enough to work round them."

"Then mix it all up!" the king boomed. "Make him sweat. I want him taken down."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Vuma and Hola exchanged glances. Things were about to get complicated. They expected it.

"I must cut him down before he does more damage," Kaana muttered.

He glared at Vuma.

"Organize a raid on Paupers Village for tonight when they least expect it."

Vuma arched his brows.

"You think the cloaked servant is from Paupers Village?" he asked.

Kaana shot him a look.

"If you do not yet know that that nuisance Jumu is the man beneath the cloak, then you are much more foolish than I thought." He narrowed his eyes. "Lead the charge, and bring them to me. And by them, I mean Jumu and his troublemaking gang of three."

Vuma looked out the window. It was almost sunset. He had to be smart about this. He nodded.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Hola's expression matched his own thoughts: this was the beginning of the end.


Nola swung her whip around, practicing her skills with focus and passion. She was at the back of Paupers Village, the one place that offered privacy and seclusion to anybody who needed it. She could hear the villagers converse and move about inside and was grateful that they gave her space. They had grown accustomed to her routine. She made sure to train every night without fail. This night, however worked with extra energy. The reason for this was her father. His steady recovery in mind, body, and heart, though encouraging, did not point to him taking the mantle. This poked a hole in the princess' unwavering faith, making room for seeds of doubt to grow. What if he didn't go back to being king? What if he had lost the heart for that forever? A kingdom-wide march against Kaana was fully planned to be carried out the following week, and they all expected King Lano to lead the charge. If he didn't do it the task would have to fall to her.

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