Chapter 27

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Kaana sat back in his huge seat and relished in the satisfaction that he had nipped a full-blown rebellion in the bud. He had beaten Jumu yet again. He loved the taste of victory. Enjoying the feeling of power, he had them locked up in individual cells the whole day and night, denying them food and water. They had all gotten on his bad side. Getting back at each of them was enough to put a smile on his face. But that wasn't the only reason he smiled. For the first time in ages, he had slept soundly through the night, with no interruptions, and no nightmares. He felt ten years younger.

Now it was mid-morning and he waited for his prisoners to be brought to him. Vuma waited with him, standing stationary beside him, stoic as ever. Kaana rolled his eyes.

"Don't you ever smile, Vuma?" he scoffed.

"Only when I have a reason to," was the blunt reply.

Kaana made a face. "You're sourer than a lemon. Rejoice; this is all coming to an end."

"Yes," Vuma responded as the prisoners appeared at the doorway. "It is."

Kaana smugly chuckled as the four came to stand before him in a straight line. He looked at their bound hands and took a moment to gloat.

"So, the mighty Cloaked Servant is not so mighty after all." He stood and walked over to his rival. "Don't you feel pathetic; being bested by me every time?"

Jumu said nothing, just looked back at him with a cold hard gaze. This did not faze the impostor king.

"What were you thinking?" Kaana laughed. "The Cloaked Servant? What exactly did you hope to achieve?"

"A lot that you are incapable of comprehending," Taros spoke up.

Kaana left Jumu and went to the old man at the end of the line. He sneered at him in disgust.

"Your tongue still refuses to age along with the rest of your withered body," he spat out.

"As yours refuses to grow."

Kaana gritted his teeth. He had half a mind to knock the elderly man down then and there, but he already had a better plan. To kill any of them now would be an utter waste.

"Enjoy your words while you still have them, old man," he growled. "Soon you will lose them when I chop off your tongue."

The old man only glared at him in reply. Kaana then stepped over to Bratan, who glowered at him most of all. Though ever on fire and fiercely loyal, Kaana found that the man had little wit or influence about him. His only threat was his unshakeable loyalty and savage spirit.

"You're not worth the bother," Kaana finally said before moving on.

"What?" Bratan exploded in fury. "Then why am I here? Say to my face why you brought any of us here!"

Kaana ignored him and stood before Don. She looked up at him, shooting daggers through her eyes. He smirked.

"How's your leg?" he maliciously asked. "I couldn't help but notice you waddling like a duck on your way in."

"You don't speak to her," Jumu growled.

"Chief Warrior to the rescue, as always," Kaana smirked. "Or should I say the Cloaked Servant?" He gave a crooked smile. "Interesting to see how quickly you moved on from your precious pariah, but I understand. After all, she is nothing now."

Jumu flung up his bound hands to club him under the chin, but Kaana blocked the move with his arms.

"Not this time," the impostor king hissed, eyes icy and hard. "You are so predictable. One word on that pariah, and you lash out like an animal. Show some strategy, Servant."

Jumu grabbed Kaana's crossed wrists with his bound hands, spun him around so that they were back to back and then doubled over, throwing a howling Kaana overhead and sending him plummeting to the ground and skidding a few feet. The king placed his hand at his arched back and roared. The corner of Vuma's mouth lifted in a smile from where he watched.

Jumu arched his brow at the seething king ."How's that for strategy, Usurper?" he asked.

Kaana pushed himself to his feet and glared, his chest heaving as his temper rose to the surface. The nerve. "Alright," he growled. He signaled the warriors that had brought the prisoners. "Untie his hands."

The warriors widened their eyes.

"Are you sure, Your Majesty?" one of them stammered.

"Untie him right now before I kill you myself!" Kaana barked.

Nervously, the warrior hurried over to Jumu and cut the ropes that bound him, as his partner prodded the other three prisoners to the side. Jumu rubbed his wrists and looked at his opponent, whose face darkened.

"Don't look so smug," Kaana spat out. "You will not win this fight."

The two charged at each other with a unified roar and connected with powerful punches, sending both of them flying back. They fought with vigour and rage, pent up from the many years of rivalry and spite. But Kaana's temper had blinded him to the simple fact:  though he was good, Jumu was much, much better. He was not going to win this fight, and it became clear to the king only moments after they started, as he was thrown to the floor for the fifth time. Kaana grimaced from where he lay. Without hesitation, he slipped out a hidden dagger and swung it at his opponent, piercing his side.

"You cheat!" Bratan exclaimed from where he stood.

Taking advantage of the few seconds this awarded him, Kaana pummeled into Jumu, knocking him to the ground using all his might. The icy king quickly raised his dagger high, wildness in his eyes.

A yelp escaped his throat when a blow was deposited on the back of his head, disorienting him and making him drop the dagger. He was pulled away and set on his knees, a dagger pressed to his throat. The spots disappeared and revealed Vuma standing before him. He narrowed his eyes.


"Stand down, Kaana," Vuma ordered. "You're through."

Kaana gritted his teeth.

"That's King Kaana to you." He shifted his eyes to the gaping warriors. "Are you going to just stand there?"

Immediately, they fled the room, leaving the impostor king at the prisoners' mercy. Kaana pursed his lips as Vuma pulled him to his feet.

"Your own warriors hate you," Bratan scoffed as he offered Jumu a hand up. Taros and Don joined them, victory on their faces.

"What is hate when you have their fear?" Kaana retorted.

"Enough," Jumu commanded, as he pressed his hand to his side. "Surrender now, Kaana."

"Surrender to you?" the man spat out in disgust. "Never."

"It's over, Kaana. You've lost."

Kaana raised his brows. "Lost?" he exclaimed. "How could I lose when I have you greatly outnumbered?"

At that moment, an entire troop of warriors streamed into the hall led by the two that had 'fled'. They formed a ring around them and aimed their spears at their throats. Vuma gritted his teeth and pressed the dagger harder against Kaana's throat. But the king only snorted.

"Please," he smugly let out.

Begrudgingly, Vuma released the king and dropped his dagger. Kaana smiled and straightened his collar.

"And that's why being a servant never works," he declared. "You give people a choice and by so doing, the upper hand. But me? I take away that choice, and they have no option but to comply."

He looked at Vuma and glared.

"Have no illusions," he told him. "None of you will live to see the sun set, that is a promise. All of Gaina will watch as I dispatch of the Cloaked Servant and his core group, and they will rue the day they entertained rebellious thoughts towards me."

Jumu inwardly sighed. They had foolishly underestimated Kaana's hold over the warriors. It's up to you now, Nola, he thought. It's all up to you.

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