Chapter 23

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After spending a day organizing the people of Sunset Keep, ensuring that they had enough room to conceal their work and supplies, Jumu and Nola were finally free to head back to Paupers Village. Vuma had long returned to Flame, lest Kaana ran wild and did something catastrophic in his absence. He took the long route, making a quick stop in the Forbidden Forest in order to instruct Luk and his men in escorting the princess and Chief Warrior back to Paupers Village.

Thus, two of the warriors were ready and waiting early in the morning at the gate of the Keep. The other three had long gone ahead and spread out, making sure their route was clear.

Jumu nodded at them in greeting as he and Nola joined them.

"Luk," he said.

"Chief Warrior," the warrior greeted. "Princess. I trust your business went successfully."

"Yes it did. Now it's time to head back."

"When you're ready then," the tall warrior went on. "The rest of my team is ahead, and we will be following at a distance." He looked at Nola. "You won't see us, but rest assured, Your Highness, your journey back will be safe and uneventful."

Nola smiled at him.

"I have no doubt. Thank you."

With that, Luk and his companion went out of sight, making it appear as if they were never there to begin with.

Jumu looked at Nola. She was back in her black outfit and cloak, her weapons securely fixed on her belt. He wasn't sure whether to be sad or amazed. What trauma she must have been through to drive her to become this fierce fighter. Before, she had no interest in battle or weapons. Now... He thought back on how she had rescued him from Luk and his group in the forest. The speed, skill and precision; it was flawless. What a transformation.

Nola felt his gaze on her and pulled her hood over her head, concealing her scarred cheek. She was fine with knowing what anybody else had to say about her face, but Jumu? She was not yet ready for that. She looked away as she adjusted the strap of her bag on her shoulder.

"Shall we head out?" she asked.

Jumu saw her discomfort and felt sorry for her. He had noticed that she hid her cheek whenever she caught him watching. He had a lot to say about it, but chose to keep the comments to himself for now. The time for that would come, when she was ready to discuss it.

He nodded.

"Let's go."

They began their journey in silence, each trapped in their own thoughts, until an hour later, Nola finally asked about Paupers Village. She asked about Taros, Bratan and Don. She asked about Gandon; what had happened to him. She asked about her father. She asked about everything that had happened while she was gone.

Jumu was reluctant to tell her at first, but realized that this Nola wouldn't take no for an answer, and in any case, she would find out eventually. So he took a deep breath and narrated everything from start to finish. He told her of how Kaana destroyed the retainers and the fields. He told her of Gandon and his failed murder attempt. He told her about how all this affected Don, nearly driving her mad with grief. Then he told her of her father; old and shriveled, wasting away in a fog of guilt and disillusionment. He spoke carefully, watching her reaction, ready for any protest or exclamation she may make in between his speech.

But no question was uttered. No exclamation was made. The only indication that Nola was listening was the change of expressions on her face that went from attention, to shock, to sadness, to anger, to grief, to dismay. When he was done, Nola let out a heavy sigh and lowered her head.

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