Chapter 8

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"That's it, Your Highness. One step at a time."

Nola grunted as she placed one foot in front of the other. She hadn't left her room in weeks, not because she wasn't allowed, but because she was still regaining her strength. She was making great progress though. Her appetite had returned, and her muscles were growing stronger. Slowly by slowly, the coordination in her body improved, and the colour returned to her cheeks.

She shook her head at the maid who supported her.

"Please, Lina. Nola is fine. No need for formalities."

Lina raised her brows but nodded.

"As you wish, Nola." She loosened her hold. "Do you think you can make it to that chair without my help?"

Nola shrugged.

"I've got to sooner or later."

Lina left her side and went to stand by the chair that was at the other end of the room. Nola took in a deep breath and began her journey slowly. She faltered several times, feeling like a toddler who couldn't do the simplest thing. Nevertheless, she kept at it. Lina's exhortations urged her forward despite the effort it took to take even a step. Soon, she reached the chair and plopped down on it with an accomplished sigh. The maid crouched in front of her and grinned.

"Great job, Nola."

Nola studied her and thought of Don. Her sweet Don. She wondered how she was doing. Was she safe? Were any of them safe? Was Jumu? Her face fell, her mind lost in thought as she blindly stared at the maid.

Lina furrowed her brows and cocked her head.


The princess blinked and came back to the present. She gave the lady a waning smile.

"Thank you for your help."

Lina nodded, sensing that the woman wanted to be alone.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be back to check on you later."

She picked herself up from the floor and promptly trotted out of the room, leaving Nola in silence. Alone at last, she took the time to think. It had been a while since she had dreamed about the strange man...Jesus. She wondered why this was so. In her dream he had welcomed her to his kingdom, but this clearly wasn't it. Mada had already revealed to her in a conversation that he was the ruler of the land. If that was so, what kingdom had Jesus been talking about, and where was it? If he welcomed her into it, then why wasn't she there now? The void within her grew, and she feared that she may never get to see her mysterious king after all.

"My son was right; you are easily lost in thought."

Nola whipped her head around to find the most elegant woman she had ever seen watching her from the door. She was tall and slim, with perfectly oiled nut-brown skin. Her thick night-black hair had beautiful streaks of silver in it, and was braided and neatly held back from her face, revealing her strong, chiseled features. Her commanding presence forced Nola to her feet in both admiration and respect. Almost immediately, Nola wished she could be like the woman before her; strong, brave, and respectful.

The stranger smiled and held up a graceful hand.

"Please, sit. I know how hard you have been pushing yourself," she encouraged in a voice like honey.

Obliged, Nola plopped down in the cushioned seat with a great lack of refinement. The woman smiled again and glided across the room. She took a seat next to Nola and gingerly placed her hands on her lap. Nola felt like a specimen under her keen gaze, and fidgeted in her seat.

"I'm sorry I couldn't come see you sooner," she purred. "I was away on a journey and got back just this morning."

Nola could only nod. The woman didn't seem to mind.

"My name is Freya. The man who found you in the river, Mada; he's my son."

"You're the Queen Mother?" she squeaked, feeling very minute now.

The woman only nodded in response. Nola closely scanned her and saw that indeed there was a resemblance in the slant of their noses, and the shape of their faces.

"Your son saved my life," she finally stated.

Freya shook her head.

"No. He didn't save your life. Jesus did."

Nola's heart lurched at this. The Queen Mother knew him! She knew the elusive king!

"My son told me you were in a very fatal state when he found you. Only Jesus could have kept you alive," Freya explained.

"You know him?" Nola blurted out.

Freya blinked and looked at her with a raised brow.

"My son?"

"No, Jesus! Do you know him?" Nola asked desperately. "Where is his kingdom? You must take me to him please!"

Freya leaned back and eyed the agitated guest for a moment. The look in her eyes was so pure, earnest and desperate, she felt a wave of compassion for her.

"Tell me something," Freya said in a gentle voice. "How did you come to know him?"

Nola lifted her shoulder in a shrug.

"I don't know him really. I've only dreamed of him. But I know he's real."

"I see," Freya replied. "Would you like to tell me about those dreams?"

Nola immediately went into explaining the dreams she had, taking extra care not to go into details of her past. She was not ready to share that with anybody just yet, much less strangers, even though they seemed to be hospitable. It was too painful, and too soon. When she was done with her narration, Freya was smiling. Nola cocked her head.


The Queen Mother rose from her seat and walked over to the great shelf. She picked out a thick book and brought it back with her, and sat down.

"Will you allow me to read you something?" she asked.

"Is it about Jesus?" Nola inquired.

Freya nodded.

"It will answer all your questions about him."

Nola eyed the book suspiciously before conceding.


Freya smiled and opened up the book.

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