Chapter 14

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Nola sat in her room, mind still reeling from the events of the festival. She was so embarrassed, and hadn't left her room for fear of the looks she would receive. What a disgraceful princess she was; so clumsy and pitiful. Undoubtedly, the Queen Mother had not been so undignified when she was her age. Nola unwisely compared herself with the older woman. Why couldn't she be more like her; queenly and majestic.

In her hands, she held the huge book that the Queen Mother had given her; the book that contained information about Jesus. They called it a Bible. Nola derived great comfort from reading the pages, finding that she could not only relate with him, but also learn how to live from his example. They were both pariahs; rejected by the people they wanted to save. Just the fact that he was a king gave her hope that the more she studied him, the more she could emulate him, and become a worthy royal as he was.

His kingliness was a strange one, though; the kind that she had never seen before. He was a king, but also a servant. He was willing to associate with the lowly, and go on his knees to wash people's feet. Amazingly, those actions did not make him any less of a leader. If any, it made him more effective. It stuck her that someone so big and so royal would do that. Yet, she admired it. It seemed right and pure.

This day, however, as she read through the final pages of his life for the umpteenth time, she did not feel comfort. Instead, she felt disturbed and outraged. She'd been over it time and again, but it did not make any sense, especially with the nightmares she had been having. She read through it again and felt bile rise in her throat. For once, she questioned him. She questioned his actions. It was one thing to be good, and it was another to be unreasonable, and at this point, Nola found Jesus's choices unreasonable to the point of ludicracy. She needed answers. Unable to take it any longer, she slammed the book shut and sprang to her feet. She strode to the door and opened it. She found Lina there with her knuckles raised, ready to knock. She blinked in surprise before smiling.

"Oh, Nola," she bubbled. "I was just checking to see if you would like something to eat. You must be hungry since you skipped breakfast."

"Thank you Lina, but food is not what I'm after right now," the princess huffed. "I would like to talk to the Queen Mother. Could you take me to her please?"

Lina nodded.

"Of course. She's just come back from inspecting the mines. Follow me."

Nola followed the maid through the maze of corridors until they ended up in the Queen Mother's wing. They found her in her spacious lounge talking to a middle-aged man.

"This is unacceptable, Councilman," she was saying in a calm yet strong voice. "It is your duty to ensure the safety of the people that work in those mines. Such negligence needs to be investigated."

"Yes, Queen Mother," the man replied. "I will get to the bottom of it."

He turned and left the room, slowing only to nod at Nola and Lina. Nola nodded back absent-mindedly, eager to get the answers she sought.

"Your Majesty," Lina announced. "The princess wishes to speak with you."

Freya smiled.

"And she is more than welcome. Thank you, Lina."

The maid returned the smile and excused herself. Seconds later, Nola was left alone with the Queen Mother. She stepped forward, her sandalled feet sinking into the soft carpet.

"Your Majesty, I have a question," she blurted out.

Freya looked at the book the princess still clutched in her hands and appeared tickled.

"Just one?" she chucked.

She motioned for Nola to join her on one of the couches and the princess obeyed, the words already spilling out of her mouth.

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