Chapter 20

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Nola shifted her feet nervously as she stood in the palace courtyard facing her hosts. The moment had arrived: she was leaving Kumera to head for home. She was petrified, the future uncertain and daunting. Yet at the same time, an eagerness nudged her forward. It was an eagerness to see her friends and family; an eagerness to be reunited with them once more; an eagerness to see her favourite baby blues.

She had no belongings, therefore had very little to carry with her, only a few changes of clothing, and supplies. Her weapon, she kept safely strapped to her belt. She was dressed in a navy blue long sleeved shirt and black trousers. She was grateful for the long sleeves. Her face was enough to draw attention; she didn't want her arms to draw any more. A cloak hung from her shoulders, the hood spread out well over her back, giving her the look of a hunter.

Next to her was Karr, also dressed in travelling clothes. Upon Mada's instruction, Karr was going to ensure the princess arrived at Gaina safely. The rest of the journey would be up to her. She was grateful, for she had never been very good with maps and directions. For one thing, at least she had little chance of getting lost now.

Drawing from Nola's descriptions of Gaina's landscapes and borders, following River Moda, and a whole lot of other things the princess didn't understand, Karr and the king had been able to find Gaina's location. It was a two week's journey, one she would have never been prepared to undertake without their help.

The princess looked at her hosts in a manner that expressed her gratitude in volumes. There were no words. Finally, she shook her head helplessly.

"Thank you," she blurted out. "For everything. Not only did you save my life, but you also added wisdom and knowledge to it. You've taught me so much. I couldn't pay you with all the gold in the world. It wouldn't be enough."

Freya stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her in a warm embrace.

"You are so special, Nola," she whispered in her ear. "A gift to your people. Never forget who and whose you are."

She released her from the hug and scanned her. She smiled.

"You will make a fine queen," she declared.

Nola gazed at her in silence for a moment, her face somber.

"I never knew my mother," she softly said.

The Queen Mother's face softened and she nodded, grabbing the young woman's hands and squeezing them tight.

"You will always have me," she assured her. "Always."

The princess now turned to Mada, who stepped forward with a huge sigh. He arched his brow.

"No tears?" he joked.

"For you? No," Nola shot back with a crooked smile.

The king's face grew serious.

"You can do it, you know," he told her. "You can defeat Kaana. No obstacle is too great for you. You already faced death; what else is there for you to fear?"

Nola smiled.

"Nothing at all."

"Good," he replied. "Now go be the leader that you are."

The princess nodded and stepped back. Then she turned to the final person she had to bid goodbye. Lina. The maid was the saddest of all, which made it all the more hard for Nola to face her. They had said all they had to say to each other before this, so they simply walked to each other and hugged. It was a tight, heartfelt hug that showed how much their friendship had grown. When they parted, they smiled at each other in silence before Nola walked to her horse in determined strides.

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