Chapter 11

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Nola stared at her reflection in the full length mirror before her. She was clad in a long sapphire dress with sleeves that fitted half her forearm, then freely fell to her elbows. Lina had managed to manipulate her bushy hair into a nice puff secured by a beaded leather strap. It was not the outfit, however, that brought on the stare. It was her appearance. She had changed. She'd lost weight, and her face looked aged with stress. She fingered the scar on her cheek that run from her ear to the tip of her chin and shut her eyes. If she had known how greatly disfigured her face was, she would have kept away from all visitors. Was this what people saw when they looked at her? No wonder all who saw her stared. It was hideous.

She opened her eyes again and noted that the sleeves of her dress were long enough to just cover the scars on her arms. The cracking of a whip sounded in her ears along with the image of Kaana holding it above his head and she hugged herself tightly with a shudder.

"Are you cold, Nola?"

Nola shook her head and turned to her appointed companion.

"No, Lina. I'm fine," she replied.

"Well, we have to be going then," the maid reminded her. "Their Majesties are waiting for you to join them for breakfast."

Nola tugged at her sleeves and shrugged.

"Right. Lead the way."

Lina nodded and led her out of the room and down the spacious hallway. Their footsteps echoed off the brightly painted walls, mingling with chatter from servants and guards that seemed to come from all over. Nola was aware of the curious stares she received from the people they passed. It made her self-conscious, especially of her face, and this forced her to look at the ground as she walked. The people were polite though, and were quick to respectfully greet her and officially welcome her despite their stares. Thankfully, it was not long before they arrived at their destination. Nola hesitated at the polished mahogany door, and her hand sub-consciously flew up to her cheek.

Lina watched her.

"If you don't mind me saying," she cautiously remarked, "all we see when we look at you is unspeakable strength."

Nola heard the meaning behind the words and lowered her hand. She smiled gratefully at the maid before straightening and exhaling slowly. Lina gave her a moment and then wished her a good morning and pushed open the door, revealing a medium-sized dining hall. Nola ogled about her as she entered, taking in how intimate and elegantly decorated it was.

She finally looked ahead and saw the royals waiting for her at the long table in the centre. They stood proud and confident in who they were, making the princess look like a fraud in comparison. Nola gulped and forced herself to keep her head up. She had nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to fear.

Freya moved forward and met her with outstretched arms.

"Nola, you look wonderful," she gushed, warmly squeezing her guest's hands.

Nola looked at their entwined hands and blinked. She had never experienced this before. She didn't know what to do with this. She fumbled for words.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Freya wove her hand and gently led her to the table, placing her on Mada's left, opposite her.

"Good morning, Your Highness," Mada greeted with equal cheer as his mother.

"Morning, Your Majesty."

Mada shrugged.

"That's Mada to you," he grinned.

Nola nodded.


"Alright Nola. Please sit."

Nola lowered herself onto her seat and reached for a tray of cakes, but realized that the mother and son had bowed their heads, and closed their eyes. She sheepishly retracted her hand and dipped her head, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, even though they hadn't seen her. Unaware of her awkward moment, Mada gave thanks for the meal. Nola cocked her head. That was interesting. Freya had told her so much already about Jesus and how they related with him, but there was still much she was yet to learn. She had never had to pray to anyone before, whether it be for help or to give thanks.

To be honest though, after all she had been through, submitting to an authority higher than her did not seem like such a bad thing. If any, it felt liberating on so many levels. No more did she have to worry about decisions and consequences. All she had to do was follow Jesus' leading and leave the results to him.

When the prayer ended, Nola was disgruntled to find that the king was staring. At her face. Her cheek burned with shame, and she uncomfortably lifted her hand to her hair, hiding the scar in the process.

"So are you comfortable here?" Freya asked as her hands flew from dish to dish, shoveling food onto Nola's plate. "Are you receiving warm treatment?"

Nola nodded, watching the pile of food on her plate grow higher. "Yes. Everybody is wonderful. I'm surprised at how hospitable your kingdom is to...outsiders; surprised and grateful."

The hosts smiled kindly at her. They ate in silence for a while before Mada spoke up.

"So, Nola," he declared. "I imagine after all this time cooped up in your room, you're eager to go outside."

Nola's ears perked at this. She looked at him, a wild hunger in her eyes. He chuckled.

"I can take you around later on if you like," he offered. "Show you Kumera in its prime."

"That's a wonderful idea, Mada," Freya chirped. "And just in time for the festival too."

Nola smiled.

"I'd like that very much."

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