Chapter 28

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The all too familiar gong resounded through the streets of Flame. Reluctant people dragged themselves away from their activities in response to the morbid summoning. Lining the streets were warriors, directing the people away from Traitors Nook, where they expected to be headed, and towards the City Square. More people poured into the city from the neighbouring towns, by order of the king; everybody was to witness this event. The news was delivered to all corners of the kingdom the previous day, and the people had been arriving in waves since. Now, the city was jam packed, everyone having had their fill of Kaana, yet compelled to hear what he had to say this time.

On a podium in the centre of the huge square were Jumu and his companions, bound to poles and gagged. Kaana was not taking any chances. He didn't want to risk them opening their mouths and saying something inspirational to the people. He was determined that this rebellion business would end once and for all.

Kaana walked onto the podium and looked down at the people with condescension in his eyes. He saw the thousands of eyes looking up at him, belonging to his very own subjects, and took it all in in pride. It was a moment before he spoke.

"There have been reports," he belted out. "Reports that a certain cloaked hero has been going around sowing seeds of hatred and rebellion. Some of you have allowed those seeds to take root and grow, leading to a great deal of division and unrest among you. You made me king because you wanted peace, yet you are the very people bringing chaos to our kingdom!" Some murmurs rose, but he went on. "But I must not be too harsh, for indeed words, when spoken with tact can be beguiling. The Cloaked Servant has tricked you into dissatisfaction! But do not worry, for I, your king, will enact vengeance for you." He pointed an accusing finger at Jumu. "This is the so-called Cloaked Servant, and these others are his accomplices. Traitors to the crown; they must be punished, and so they shall! Execution!"

The crowd erupted in anger as four warriors marched onto the stage with bows and arrows in their grips. Kaana narrowed his eyes.

"Love it or loathe it, I am your king!" he boomed.

"You are wrong, Kaana!" a voice thundered back. "I am king!"

Kaana swept his eyes through the crowd till he found a tiny ring that had formed around Lano, who pulled back his hood and looked right at him. He appeared dignified and strong, no longer beaten down by guilt. Kaana gritted his teeth.

"Warriors!" he barked.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," a voice cautioned from behind. Kaana whirled around to find Luk smirking at him. The warrior pointed with his eyes and Kaana glanced around to find people in the crowd reveal weapons and brandish them around, making those that were unaware gasp in terror. Warriors poured in, seemingly from out of the blue, and held Kaana's men at bay. Someone had clearly paid a visit to the prisons and released the Lanu-loyal warriors. On the rooftops around perched several more warriors and civillians, ready with arrows and spears.

"You chose me!" Kaana yelled at the crowd. "I am your king! You follow my orders!"

"Justice and truth, Kaana," Lano shouted as he slowly made his way to the podium. "The people follow justice and truth, which is why you will never find a day when they won't oppose you."

He fearlessly got onto the stage.

"People of Gaina," he proclaimed. "I have made many mistakes; that is no lie. And I appeal to you for your forgiveness. You deserve a king that is no enemy of justice, compassion, and mercy; one that gives instead of takes. One that serves instead of demands service. One that fights for you, and not against you. Give me another chance, and I will be that king. I will be father, brother, and friend, and together, we will rebuild Gaina in a new way; a way of courage and oneness."

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