Chapter 21

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Two days later, Jumu sped through the Forbidden Forest, unseen and unheard. Deciding that it was time to act, he instructed Vuma to gather the most influential people who had agreed to join their cause. He wanted to meet them personally, and share his plan with them, for enough talking had been done. They were to meet that night at the silver mines which were enclosed at Sunset Hills. This proved advantageous because the people at Sunset Keep, which was a kilometer away from the mines, were all completely against the Kaana rule, and prepared to join the cause.

Jumu was ready and determined. He ran with burning purpose. He thought of Don. He thought of Gandon. He thought of Lano. And he thought of Nola. His Nola. Soon Kaana would pay for what he did.

A warrior suddenly appeared before him a few metres ahead, followed by another, and another. In seconds, a group of five blocked his path, poised and ready for a skirmish. Their faces were smug with cockiness, the feeling that they were now superior to the man that used to be their leader showing clearly on their faces.

This neither fazed nor stopped the Chief Warrior. Instead, he sped up, bounding straight for them. This caught them off guard, making them falter a little, before they braced themselves. But then they had to scatter when Jumu pulled out several tiny handmade daggers and hurled them in rapid succession.

Jumu skidded to a stop and turned to the men. They were back on their feet, and this time, their spears and daggers were ready. The cockiness was greatly reduced, annoyance taking the front seat.

"You are good," the tall warrior in the middle complimented. "But clearly not that smart. Don't you know the consequences of stepping out of Paupers Village, Chief Warrior?"

"So this is how lightly you take your responsibility as a warrior of Gaina," Jumu challenged. "Does that symbol on your chest mean nothing to you?"

The warrior laughed.

"Truth and justice? Wake up, Chief Warrior. Those words mean nothing thses days. Survival is all that matters now, not honour."

"Do not use Kaana as an excuse for your failure to fight for Gaina," Jumu barked.

"Fight for it?" the warrior retorted. "To what end? Why should we fight for it when Lano himself won't even lift a finger? He no longer believes in Gaina and neither do we. The kingdom is hopelessly doomed, and there is no one left to save it. Not even you!"

With a war cry, he led his men in a charge against Jumu. But before the Chief Warrior could react, a mighty crack of the whip was heard, followed by yelps and grunts. In sporadic flashes, daggers were powerfully flicked from their grips, and the men were randomly sent tumbling to the ground by a mighty tug at their legs. The tall man quickly looked around him, the only one left on his feet.

"Where are you?!" he roared at the silent trees.

A snapped twig was his reply, and he blindly hurled his dagger in that direction. The response was a quick nick on his cheek with the tip of the whip before the weapon coiled around his ankle. He yelped as a force yanked at his leg, making him fall on his back with a thud.

Jumu blinked at the groaning men before another twig snap caught his attention. He quickly looked to the side, his guard completely up, ready for anything. A hooded figure stood a few feet from him, body completely covered in a dark cloak. The face was lowered, making it hard for him to make out any features.

"Who are you?" he asked in a strong voice.

The figure did not move or reply. Jumu narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you?" he demanded again, louder this time.

The figure fluidly took off the cloak and flung it away, and it landed perfectly draped on a low hanging branch near her. She lifted her face. The men all gasped in surprise. It couldn't possibly be real. It just couldn't.

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