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"I'll take it."

It was one of the best apartments I had seen in all of the last week, and I was tired of looking. This one at The Kellan was perfect.

"Awesome. Can you meet tomorrow to sign some papers regarding your lease?" The landlord asked. 


"Alright. Well, have a nice evening. And welcome to Long Island."

I smiled. I finally had my own place. My sister would be so proud of me.

I went to work that night at O'Malley's Irish Bar and Grille, my spirits high, (no pun intended) and a smile on my face. I liked working at the bar. I made good tips, my co-workers were fun, and it was a good job for making money while on the hunt for a job in my field. I had been working there for a couple months at this point, and it was a good way to pass the time and make some money while I was looking for a way to start my career.

It was a week later, when I officially moved into the third floor of The Kellan. Apartment 306. It's crazy to look back and think about how this exact day would shape the rest of my life. I had no clue.

It really all started when I was carrying the last box to my place, and the door across the hall from mine opened.

"Perfect. A new tenant." He said. His voice sounded annoyed.

I turned around to face the voice. He looked about my age. If not, he was only a couple of years older than me. I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, so I put the box by my door and stuck out my hand. "I'm Emma."

Instead of shaking my hand, he walked a circle around me, seemingly evaluating my appearance. "Ethan." he said. Once he was done examining my whole person, he stood in front of me, and his eyes settled right on my chest. I shouldn't have worn a tank top today. "Well, at least you've got something."

I scoffed, picking up my box and shutting my apartment door behind me. What an asshole.

The next day, I found myself knocking on his door. You see, he had some friends over, and music was blaring throughout the whole floor. I was trying to enjoy a quiet glass of wine to myself and The Bachelor, but his trashy pop music was getting in the way.

The door opened, and Ethan looked me up and down before glancing at one of his friends. "Jordan, I didn't know you ordered a stripper."

"I didn't, bro." The other guy who I assumed was Jordan said.

"Neither did I." the third guy said.

"That's because I'm not. I'm Emma. I live across the hall. I just wondered why the music was so loud."

"Why? You want it quiet so you can do whatever it is you do all alone on a Friday night?"

"Well, kinda." I said. My face flushed, the embarrassment I wanted to hide showing brightly. I guess I didn't tell you what else I do while I drink wine and watch The Bachelor. I was lonely. What else was I supposed to do? My boyfriend Mark was deployed to a U.S. military base in Europe, and didn't get to have his phone very often. Even when he did, we weren't exactly in a similar time zone.

"Sorry. You're going to have to deal with it." Ethan said.

"Ethan, dude. Come on. Be considerate." the unnamed guy said.

"Fine. I'll turn the music down."

Ethan walked into the next room, and the music was lowered a few seconds later.

"Sorry about Ethan. He's closed off to people he doesn't really know." Jordan said.

I nodded. "Good to know. See you guys."

The next night, I had to work. I almost always worked Saturday nights. It was the busiest night of the week at the bar.

I gave a couple beers to some guys before I just happened to glance at the door. Ethan and his two buddies were walking in. I didn't want Ethan to know I worked there. I'd never hear the end of it.

So, I ducked down and sat behind the bar. On the floor.

"Emma? Are you okay?" Ricky, one of my co-workers peered down at me.

"I'm fine. I just--" I needed to come up with something quick. "My---my ex-boyfriend is here."

"Go take a break. I got you covered."

I smiled. Thank God Ricky bought my excuse.

I kept my head down as I headed to the bathroom. I prayed to the big man upstairs that Ethan wouldn't see me.

But then he did. Right on cue.


This should be interesting.

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