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It was around one in the afternoon that Friday when Ethan knocked on my door. He just got back from work.

"Hey." I said, opening the door. Ethan didn't come in, but we still talked.

"Hi. Um, I'm gonna go shower and then I'll come get you so that we can go."

"Okay. See you in a bit."

Ethan smiled at me before he walked towards his door. I couldn't help but stand in my doorway as he unlocked his door and went inside.

If I'm being completely honest, something clicked when Ethan told me I was gonna be a Red Sox fan someday. I'm not going to be a Red Sox fan, but it was like he was suggesting we'd be together in the future.

Suddenly it was all I could think about, and somehow Ethan was the only person that could fit into the equation.

Honestly, the weekend hadn't even really started yet, and I was already falling harder than I ever intended to.

I came to the realization that if Mark was the one, he'd still be here. It simply wasn't meant to be with him. Here I am wondering if Ethan thinks about me the way I think about him.

I loved Mark, but I never realized how much easier it is to fall for someone who understands you completely. Mark was an only child. He didn't even know what it was like to have a sibling, let alone lose one. Ethan knew exactly what it was like.

I found it so easy to simply be around Ethan. It's like we spoke each other's language or something. He was the easiest person to to be myself around.

He always talks about how understanding I am, when he understands me more than anyone I've ever met.

He has never once made me feel unsafe or uncomfortable since we've been friends, and honestly even when I stopped our kiss it had nothing to do with him, and everything to do with me.

While I was waiting for Ethan to get back so we could leave, I made myself a sandwich for lunch.

Forty-five minutes later, Ethan came back, and we headed out for Boston.

"Ready for our road trip?" he asked.

"Yeah. Four hours with traffic."

"You sound like a true New Yorker."

I laughed. "Ethan, I'm from upstate."

"Doesn't mean you have the New York rage in you."

"I can't wait for you to become a true New-Yorker and be a Yankees' fan."

Ethan grunted. "I'm getting you a pair of socks for Christmas. You know what color they're gonna be?"

I smiled, knowing hew was referring . "You're an idiot."

"Do I have to google how to get Emma Chamberlain to like the Red Sox?"

"It'd be easier to convince you to like the Yankees."

"I'm from Boston."

"We're never gonna agree, are we?" I asked. Ethan laughed.

"Only if you become a Boston fan."

"Let me guess, you like the Patriots too?"

"Who do you think I am? No, I don't like the Patriots."

"I'll tell you this. No one in New York actually pays attention to the Bills, and the Jets are just dumb. Giants it is for me."

"I guess I like the Baltimore Ravens. Best on the East Coast."

"Boy, you have some lessons to learn."

"No. I just know what I'm talking about, monkey."

Ever since we joked about all of the cheesy pet names, he's been randomly calling me monkey. At first it was a joke, but now I think it's kind of cute. 

I felt a blush rise onto my face as I glanced at Ethan, who winked at me. "Ethan, you are something else."

"Does that mean I'm special?"

"Sure. Tell yourself that."

"Hey, I'm supposed to be your favorite."

"Then act like it." I joked.

"You're my favorite." he flirted.

I smiled. "I knew that." 

"How'd you know?" 

"Because I'm the person you're taking to meet your family."

"Cause I know they're gonna like you." he said. "And because you're my favorite."

"See? I knew it."

The moment became silent, but it was a comfortable silence. It was like we were both thinking our own thoughts. Maybe he was thinking about me too. Suddenly I became nervous to meet his parents.

"Ethan?" I asked.

'Yeah, monkey?"

"I guess I'm just a little nervous."

Ethan glanced at me, and I didn't even look at him.


"What if your family doesn't like me?"

"Then they can deal with the fact that I do." Ethan said. He reached over and squeezed my knee, and somehow I got the courage to link my pinky finger around his.

This was starting to feel so real, and then I realized that I never wanted him to bring anyone else home to his family again. Unless it was one of our future children.

Somehow I went from not knowing how I felt to knowing I didn't want anyone else.

I never thought I'd find someone who understands me as much as Ethan does. 

I knew that we talked a little bit about the fact that we're attracted to each other, but I haven't told him how I feel. 

Sometimes things change in a blink of an eye, and I'll tell you that I blinked right as I fell.

It's funny how the most unexpected things happen. I mean, I never thought I'd meet someone like this when I moved to Long Island. Back when Mark was still alive. Sure, I miss him, but Ethan fills the void perfectly.

I had no idea how Ethan truly felt about me. All I knew was that I wanted what I felt we had to be real.

We weren't even an hour into the drive, and I was started to grow really tired. I leaned my head against my seat, and I ended up falling asleep.

What made me really happy was that Ethan noticed and turned the radio quieter, so it would be easier for me to sleep. He always thought about things like that, and it showed that he cared.

But it was nothing compared to the fact that I woke up two hours later, and his pinky was still secured with mine.


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