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"Hey, sleepyhead. You're awake." I said.

Emma sat up in her seat, looking out the window. "How long was I asleep?"

"About two hours. We have about an hour to go."


"Are you hungry? We can stop for food."

Emma glanced at the clock. "Yeah. We probably should."

"Sounds good to me."

We ended up at this small pizza diner, and it was actually a really cute place. The lighting was a little dim, but it had kind of a romantic feel to it.

I glanced at Emma, who was reading her menu. She was really concentrated, and in that moment, I realized I never wanted to take anyone else home.

I must've been staring, because when Emma looked up, she smiled at me. "What?"

I felt my face get red. Am I a sixteen year old again?

I smiled. "Nothing."

"Are we ready to order?" The waiter asked. I glanced at Emma.

"Pepperoni okay?" She asked me. I nodded.

"We'll do a medium pepperoni pizza please." I told the waiter.

"Alright. Anything to drink?"

"I'll just have a water, please." Emma said.

"I'll take a sprite, please." I added.

The waiter wrote it down and nodded before telling us the order will be right out.

"Have you ever been here before?" Emma asked. I guess we were relatively close to the outskirts of Boston.

"Nope. Hopefully it'll be good, so we can come back sometime."

Emma smiled. "Maybe."

I felt like we were beginning to fall into something that was more than platonic. I mean, I didn't know how Emma felt, but I knew we were more than neighbors. More than friends. I had to tell her about everything I felt by the end of the weekend. I just didn't know when or how I was going to tell her yet.

The pizza ended up being delicious, and Emma decided if she ever happened to take another trip to Boston, she's gonna stop here for dinner.

I made a mental note to bring Emma back to Boston sometime.

We got back in the car after I paid for the pizza (Emma tried to split the bill, but I insisted), and then we went on our way for the final part of the drive.



Ethan and I decided to stop at a small convenience store to get some snacks to take to his parents house. We were gonna be in Boston the whole weekend, so both of us wanted some snacks to take.

"Pick out whatever you want, monkey." Ethan said.

I smiled, gently shoving him. "You're an idiot."

The guy behind the cash register glanced at Ethan. "Girlfriends, am I right?" Ethan asked. I rolled my eyes as I walked towards the snack aisle. But I couldn't contain the blush that spread across my face.

After Ethan and I both gathered all of the sugary and unhealthy snack foods we wanted, Ethan insisted and paid for everything again, and then we got back in the car. It was almost seven o'clock.

"We have to stop at my grandma's house because the whole family is hanging out there. And I figured that you should meet everyone before the wedding tomorrow."

no questions asked  | ethmaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن