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I was 37 weeks when my water broke. Twins tend to come early, so it wasn't a huge surprise. They still made it to full term though, and my back had never been more sore.

We were lucky to live so close to the hospital, because once my water broke, including the time it took for Ethan to get the hospital bag, the two car seats and me into the car, it took us fifteen minutes all together to get there.

Once I was checked in, we got settled into a nice, quiet room, and the doctors hooked me up to a few monitors so they could track the babies' heartbeats, my heartbeat, and my contractions. Luckily I got an epidural, so I couldn't feel them anymore.

Ethan was standing by my beside, and I could tell he was nervous but excited. He's been excited since the moment I told him we were having a baby. I was a bit nervous too, but more excited than anything. We were about to have two beautiful little girls.

I loved my pregnancy. Ethan took such good care of me, and the whole experience brought us closer together as husband and wife.

I glanced up at Ethan, who was holding one of my hands. My other hand was resting on my belly. I wasn't all the way dilated, so we just had to wait until it was time to have the twins.

"Ethan, you should sit down."

"But I'm just so excited." He said.

I laughed. "Ethan, they're not gonna be born for a few more hours. You're making me nervous. Sit down. Or at least get yourself a coffee or a snack."

He glanced towards the door, then back to me. "You sure?"

"Yeah. Go ahead, babe."

He leaned down, giving my lips a gentle peck. "Don't have the babies without me."

I laughed. "I won't, babe."

I couldn't help but smile at him as he pushed a few pieces of hair away from my forehead. "You're so beautiful." He whispered. "I love you so much."

I pecked his lips, and he smiled back at me. "I love you too, Ethan. I'm so excited to finally meet our girls."

"Me too. I'll be right back, okay? You want some ice chips?"

The doctors told me I can't eat anything except for ice chips, since ice is just water. Otherwise it would make me sick with the medications I'm on.

Ethan got back a few minutes after he left, and he handed me a cup of ice chips. "Thanks, Ethan."

He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my lips. "You're welcome, baby."

Doctors and nurses came into the room every hour to get an update on how much longer it was gonna be until it was time to push.

Finally, after four more hours, it was time.

I was nervous, but feeling Ethan's hand in mine made me calm down.

It took half an hour for the first baby to be born. It was rough, but the second I heard her cry I knew it was gonna be okay. Somehow the second birth only took a few minutes, the babies' times of birth being ten minutes apart. Everything went off without a hitch, and we had two healthy baby girls.

It was the best moment of my life when the doctors laid the twins on my chest. They both cuddled into me right away, and I knew the warmth of my skin was comforting to them. They both stopped crying, and holding my girls for the first time was the greatest feeling in the world.

I glanced up at Ethan, who had one hand resting on each of the girls' backs. There were tears in his eyes, and I knew he was gonna be the best father in the world.

We still hadn't decided on names for them, but we had a narrowed-down list.

After the doctors cleaned the babies and took their vitals and measurements, I fed them, and then the doctors left, leaving Ethan and I alone with our twin girls for the very first time.

"I'm so proud of you." Ethan said, leaning down to kiss me.

He was holding one of the girls, and I was holding the other. I could already tell them apart.

Baby A has a freckle next to her eye just like Ethan's, and Baby B has a freckle above her eyebrow.

They both had beautiful dark brown hair, again like Ethan, and they had the cutest little button noses. I was obsessed with them already. I loved being their mama.

"So, should we talk about names?" Ethan asked, sitting down with Baby A still in his arms. He couldn't stop staring at her.

"Yeah." I said, looking down at Baby B. She was peacefully sleeping in my arms.

"I think this is our baby Remi." Ethan said, still staring at our oldest daughter.

I looked over at her. She looked exactly like a Remi. "You're right." I said. "She's our Remi."

Remi Grace. It suited her perfectly.

"I think this is our Baby Saige." I said. Remi and Saige sounded so cute for twins, and Saige fit our youngest daughter to a tee.

Saige Alexandria.

They were perfect.

We called my parents and E's parents, but they couldn't make it in time, so two days later when we arrived home with our girls, they all came to visit us.

Ethan and I were the happiest we'd ever been, and nothing could've been better than sharing the experience of being parents together.

We were learning and growing together, and I was so happy to just be living life and raising a family by his side.

Ethan was already an amazing father to our girls, and I loved seeing the adoring look in his eyes whenever he looked at them.

Even though all of our time was now dedicated to our baby girls, we were still falling for each other more and more each day.

Nothing can top this life with Ethan.

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