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Once the lasagna was done, I took it out of the oven and prepared two plates.

I took them to the table, where Emma was sitting, and set hers in front of her, and mine in front of my seat.

I opened the bottle of wine she brought, and poured us each a glass. Then I finally sat down.

I looked up, and Emma was already looking at me.

"This smells amazing. I had no idea you could cook."

"I'm half Italian. My grandmother taught my brother and I everything about cooking. Grayson was actually a better cook than me, but I got better over time."

Emma took a bite, and I had to stop myself from choking on my own bite of food as I watched her reaction.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back.

I could only imagine that that was what she looked like when she was being fucked properly. "This is the best lasagna I've ever had."

"Wanna know the secret?"

She chewed the rest of her bite and swallowed before she opened her eyes and looked at me again. "Yes please."

Damn it, Ethan. Get your head out of the gutter.

"Red wine in the sauce."

"This is amazing. If this lasagna was a person, I'd definitely be taking him back to my place tonight."

I laughed. Emma had a great sense of humor. "I'm sure the lasagna would mind."

"It's too late. I'm taking him on the table." She said, taking another bite. I almost spit my sip of wine out. This girl is hilarious.

Also I wondered what it'd be like if I cleared the table and—Dear Ethan, shut up. Love, Ethan.

P.S. stop thinking about having sex with Emma.

"Gosh, Emma. You just met this lasagna." I teased.

Emma laughed, taking a sip of her wine. "How was your day today?" She asked.

"It was normal. I went to work, came home. Showered. Then I made dinner, and now you're here. How was your day?"

"I worked the lunch shift at O'Malley's."

"You've been holding up okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I've been okay. I've I'm being one hundred percent honest I feel like I'm under pressure right now."


"I don't know. A lot of people keep pushing me to start putting myself out there and dating when I'm not even sure if I'm ready for that yet. Mrs. M thinks I need something casual, but I really don't know how to feel about it."

"Just don't let anyone pressure you into doing anything that you're not comfortable with, okay? But if you feel like you want to put yourself out there, don't be afraid to. It's a normal process to go through, and you most likely will make that transition into a new beginning at some point anyway."

Emma nodded, taking a long sip of her wine, then pouring herself a second glass.

"I just feel weird about it because Mark told me to move on if he died, but I still feel like I'm his girlfriend and he's gonna call any second, or he's gonna walk into my apartment."

"My brother died ten years ago, and I still feel like it isn't real. He could walk into O'Malley's anytime I'm there and I don't think it would phase me at all. But if Mark told you with his own words that he wanted you to move on, don't be worried that it would hurt his feelings. He just wanted you to be happy. He still does."

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