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"Mom! Dad, hi!" I said, giving each of my parents a hug as they stepped into my apartment.

"I missed you guys so much!"

"We missed you too, sweetie."

"Well, I guess I can give you a tour of this place if you'd like." I said.

"That sounds perfect." My dad responded.

I continued to give them a tour of my place before we sat in the kitchen.

"This place is wonderful, Em." Said my mom.

"Thanks. I really like it here."

"So, when do we get to meet this Ethan?" My dad asked.

"Well, he's currently picking up some of his family from the airport, so you'll meet him at dinner tonight."

"You seem really happy, Em." my mom replied. I smiled.

"I am really happy, Mom."


Ethan and I were setting up the shop with the final touches before dinner started.

My family was back at their hotel, and Ethan's family was driving around to explore Long Island before dinner started.

Ethan and I were putting napkin holders, menus, Parmesan shakers, and salt and pepper shakers on the tables (Well, the menus were only in the booths. We'd give people the menus when they sat at the tables or else it would look disorganized.), and then we were done.

Finally, Ethan and I were taking one last look at our place. He pulled me closer, putting his arm around my shoulder as I looked at him.

"I can't believe we're finally ready." Ethan said.

Earlier in the week, we had hired some employees to help cook, clean, and wait on our guests, even though Ethan and I would still be doing most of the cooking.

Tomorrow was the real grand opening, but Ethan and I invited friends and family over to the shop for a private pizza dinner party. Mostly to celebrate our hard work. Ethan and I were the only ones working tonight.

First a few of my co-workers from O'Malley's shouted up, then some of Ethan's family, then Olivia and Mikey from the building, a few more neighbors, Ethan's former co-workers and my family.

Ethan and I took everyone's drink orders and served them all. Dinner would be served at a specific time for tonight.

Finally, I got to introduce my parents to Ethan.

"Mom, Dad, this is Ethan. Ethan, this is my mom Sophia, and my dad Michael."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ethan." My dad said, standing up to shake Ethan's hand.

"Nice to meet you too. You have an amazing daughter." Ethan said, giving my dad a firm handshake, and my mother a hug.

"We've heard so much about you, Ethan. It's nice to finally see the guy that makes Emma so happy."

Ethan smiled at me before looking back at my mom. "Well, she makes me very happy too."

After Ethan and I took everyone's pizza orders. we quickly assembled all of the pizzas and cooked them. It was easy since the dough and sauce were already pre-made. All we had to do was put cheese and toppings on the pizzas, and run them through the oven, which had a conveyor belt-type system that cooked the pizzas for the perfect amount of time.

We got the pizzas served, and Ethan and I made one for the two of us as well. We visited with everyone, and it was the perfect little start to our new restaurant.

It was such a fun night, and once everyone went home we cleaned up the dishes and pre-made some more dough and sauce for the next day.

"That was so fun." Ethan said, putting plastic wrap around another ball of dough. "It really went well tonight."

"I'm so proud of you, Ethan. You've been working your tail off."

It was already getting kind of late because the party ended around 10, so Ethan and I have been cleaning up for the last hour and a half, making it 11:30 by the time we were done making more dough and more sauce.

Finally, we put everything in the fridge and locked up. I was so ready to go home.

Ethan and I were so exhausted that by the time we got back to my place and changed into our comfy clothes, our heads hit the pillows, and we were out like lights.

The shop was set to open at noon the next day, but we were planning on being there around 11.

So, when we woke up at 8 the next morning, Ethan and I decided to start off the morning the right way in my bed. Then against my wall. Then in the shower. We've been mostly all work and no play lately. We deserved it.

Honestly, starting the day off that way gave me a good boost of energy, and it put me in a great mood.

I could tell that Ethan was happy about the way our friends and family dinner went last night, and he was super excited to finally open the restaurant for real.

We had the perfect amount of employees working, and it actually was really busy for a brand new business. Lucky we hired delivery drivers, because we got a lot of calls for delivery.

I knew that I made the right decision in telling Ethan he needed to open a pizza shop. Even that first weekend proved we were gonna be successful, and I wasn't complaining about the mini celebration Ethan and I had with a bottle of wine and his kitchen table. And the couch. Maybe the floor too. I don't really remember every detail because I was a bit tipsy, but this was the furthest I had ever fallen for anyone, and I couldn't imagine my life without this man.

Even a few months in, and I already knew I wanted to be with him for the rest of my days.

They say when you know you know, and looking back I think both of us knew. I remembered when he made a comment about my last name changing someday. He implied that he was gonna change it, and that he was keeping me around. Let's just say that night when I fell asleep in his arms, I knew I wanted it to always be this way.

I have a feeling it always will.

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