
I never had a good experience with my neighbors. Especially the ones that were my age. Based on my first impression, I could tell that Emma was going to be another one of those people that didn't want to let me live the way I wanted to. No loud music, and absolutely nothing that just so happened to disrupt her perfect little world.

I was shocked to find out that she worked at my favorite bar. In fact, it almost amused me.

I let out a chuckle, well it was halfway between a chuckle and a scoff. "You work here?"

Emma, almost embarrassed, looked like she was getting yelled at by a parent. "What's the problem with that?"

"I just think it's funny. You didn't give bartender vibes."

"You know nothing about me. Don't assume."

"Let me guess. You're looking for a job in the journalism--"



"Damn it."

"You're single, and living on your own for the first time."

"I'm not single."

"Where's your boyfriend then? I haven't seen him around."

"He's in the Air Force. Deployed to Europe. I don't get to see or talk to him much besides phone calls once or twice a month, and care packages. Happy?"

I am a huge jerk.

"Well, see you around. Don't cause too much trouble." I said, smirking at Emma before I turned around and walked towards the bar.

That night I took some blonde home. That was just my lifestyle. Drinking, and girls. Well, also hanging out with my friends and watching sports. But that was about it. What I almost didn't mention was that I gave Emma a generous tip at the bar and told her to keep it for herself so she didn't have to share. I felt like I owed it to her because I was being such a douchebag.

There was no doubt that I was attracted to Emma, but it didn't matter. We were too different, and obviously we led pretty different lifestyles. It was made clear the very first night Emma moved in across the hall. She liked the quiet, and I liked the rage.



I went home after work, taking a shower and getting ready to go to sleep before my phone rang. It was Mark. I was super happy because I had been missing him extra that night. I grabbed my keys and headed to the rooftop of the apartment building. It was actually a super nice area to sit. There were seating areas. Benches with cushions. A tall enough brick wall so that it wasn't dangerous to lean against it, yet you could still see the beauty of Long Island.

I sat down, playing with my necklace as I answered the phone.

"Hey, Mark."

"Hey, baby. How are you?"

"I miss you."

"Awe, Emma. I miss you too sweetie. I'm trying to get on the list to come home for the holidays. But things are kind of getting hectic here."

"I hope you can come home, hun. Where are you right now?"


"Is it safe out there?"

"Some days are better than others, but you never know when it comes to being overseas."

"I know. I just wanted reassurance that you're okay. You know I worry about you."

"I know, baby. I'll try to come home as soon as possible. I promise."

I don't know what it was. Maybe it was because I missed him so much, but an overwhelming feeling came over me, and I started crying.

"Emma, honey. Don't cry. It's gonna be okay.."

"I just miss you, Mark. So much. And I finally moved into the really nice apartment place on Long Island, and it's making me miss you even more. I wish you were here with me, babe."

"I miss you too, Em. I sent you a care package today. It should be there in two or three weeks."

"You didn't have to."

"Yes I did. I miss you so much, Emma. And if I'm being honest it might be the last thing I'm able to send to you for a while. There's a chance they're gonna ship my platoon out to the United Arab Emirates. It's not the safest out there."

Another tear streamed down my face. "I just want you home. Safe."

"Don't worry, Emma. I'll be home as soon as I can, okay?"

"Okay. Are you okay?"

"Yeah." he said. "I'm okay. I gotta go. Love you forever."

"Love you forever." I repeated.

"Bye, Emma." He said softly.


Sure enough, two weeks later I received a care package from my one and only.


I put together this care package mostly because I've been missing you like crazy, and I wanted to send you something special. Enclosed are some items that remind me of us, and one of my sweatshirts that I want you to have. It has my badge number and my last name on it. Maybe it still smells like me. I know you like that kind of stuff. There are two things that could possibly happen in the near future. Either I get to come home for the holidays, or I get sent to the UAE. I'm really hoping it's not the latter. I am praying every day, and hoping that I can see you and the rest of my family this Christmas. If I come home, I'll take you for a special weekend. Just the two of us. Maybe I'll have a surprise in store for you.

This could possibly be my last letter for a while. Maybe phone calls are going to be more rare in the future. I hate it, but that's just how it seems to be going out here. I miss you everyday, and I can't wait to come home, and see you again.

That being said, if anything happens to me, I want you to know that I will always love you so much. I want you to know that you are my person, Emma. If I die, the only thing I ask is that you take care of yourself, and never forget how much I love you. Find someone who makes you happy. Let them take care of you for me. Live the life I would want you to live. Never stop chasing your dreams. Either way I would want you to celebrate my life rather than hold yourself back because of me if that were to happen.

I'm not going to leave this letter on a negative note, so I'll leave it off with this.

You're beautiful, I love you, and I hope to see you soon.

Love you Forever,


P.S. I almost forgot to tell you -- you're sexy ;)

I'll have to admit--Mark's letter did make me cry. A lot actually. But the last line gave a little comic relief. Mark was always so funny. And he always made me feel so good about myself. I went to sleep that night with his sweatshirt cozily warming up my body. He was right. It did smell like him, and I loved it.

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