
Ethan and I were friends after our talk on the roof.

From then on, he was never rude to me again. He'd send me little nods of acknowledgment in the hall or in the lobby, and once in a while, he'd actually sit at the bar and talk to me while I worked.

Ethan was actually really funny, and he was a good guy. He had just made some bad decisions that led him to his alcoholism.

Either way, we were friends. We'd check on each other from time to time. It was nice to have a friend I could relate to.

I still missed Mark a shit ton, but the initial part of the grief process was over. I was healing, but it would take a long time to fully heal.

I knew Mark wanted me to move on, to find someone, but I wasn't ready for that yet. After all it had only been about a month and a half.

I got myself out of bed everyday simply by having friends to support me, and by working more shifts at O'Malley's. I found out that Ethan was going there more than he probably should be, and I felt bad that he was doing that to himself. He's a good guy deep down, but he's hurting himself instead of helping himself.

One particular night, I was closing with Ricky, and Ethan was the last customer there. Ricky took Ethan's keys because Ethan was way too intoxicated to drive, and Ethan wasn't happy about it.

"Ethan, you can't drive home. You'll get in an accident." Ricky said. Luckily he already had a hold of Ethan's car keys.

"I'm fineeeee."

I gave Ethan a knowing look, and he stumbled just standing there, so I knew what I needed to do.

"Ricky, he lives in my apartment building. I can drive him home."

Ricky tossed me the keys. "Go ahead. I'll lock up."

"Thanks, Ricky."

"No. Thank you, Emma."

I walked out from behind the bar, grabbing my jacket from the back before I went back. "Come on, Ethan. Let's get you home."

And Ricky was right. Ethan was really drunk. I had to help him get into the passenger seat, and before I could get his seatbelt on, he threw up all over the place. Luckily he directed it outside of the car, so it was just in the parking lot.

I strapped him into his seat, and got into the driver's side.

Ethan was so out of it that he thought I was a hookup.

"So, my place or yours?" He asked.

"Ethan, you're going home."

"We're not gonna have sex?"

"No. We're not. You're drunk, buddy."

"Damn it. I was hoping to score a good one tonight."

I laughed at this one as I started the car. "Ethan, you need sleep, not someone to sleep with. Plus you're not gonna remember this tomorrow."

"What's the point of remembering? It just reminds me how broken I am."

"Because you can start fresh. Make new happy memories that you'll want to remember."

Then I glanced over, and Ethan was asleep. Of course.

I drove the rest of the way back to The Kellan, woke Ethan up who threw up twice in the bushes, and then I somehow got him up two flights of stairs and settled onto his couch. I told him to call me if he needed something, and then I went home.

I arranged for Ricky to pick me up for work tomorrow so I could get my car back.

I somehow got a full eight hours of sleep, and I got up around noon to make brunch for myself.

After I ate I headed to the gym. It was right in the next building and belonged to The Kellan, so everyone who lived there had a membership.

I worked out, then I went back to my place to shower. I still had a while until I had to go to work, so I watched some tv and ordered a pizza.

My phone buzzed, so I pulled it out of my pocket.

Ethan: sorry about last night. If I did or said anything stupid I profusely apologize, and I'm sorry you had to drive me home.

I smiled. That was kind of him to apologize.

Emma: it's okay. That's what friends are for

Ethan: do you need me to drive you to work?

Emma: Ah so I see you know my schedule now

Ethan: I'm there pretty much every night what did you expect

Emma: Ricky is picking me up

Ethan: I'll make it up to you sometime. I'll make dinner or something

Emma: you cook?

Ethan: all the time. Wednesday good?

Emma: I'm free that day

Ethan: 7 o'clock

Emma: perfect

What did I have to lose anyway? Ethan and I were friends. It would be fun to have dinner with him.

Except for the fact that he is ridiculously attractive, and has already made it clear more than once that he wants into my pants.

Anyway, I got ready for work, Ricky picked me up, and I started my shift.

Ethan did show up that night, but luckily he didn't get as drunk as he did the night before.

Nightlife in urban NY is usually crawling with people. That's why it was so easy to find someone attractive around here because there were so many to choose from.

Ethan sat at the bar and talked to me for a little while, but then his friends showed up and he was off. I was too busy to really pay attention, because it was Friday, and Friday's are one of the craziest busy nights at O'Malley's.

I was making drinks like crazy, and I ended up having to deliver food to tables at some point too.

I noticed Ethan leaving with a redhead, and for some reason I felt slightly disappointed.

I don't know how, and I don't know when, but at some point I was starting to catch feelings for Ethan. And I didn't know until it was too late to stop them.

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