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I can't even begin to describe how amazing our wedding was. Everything was perfect.

Emma looked so damn beautiful, and it truly was one of the happiest days of my life.

I woke up to Emma peppering my neck with kisses, and as soon as my eyes opened, she giggled.

"Morning, babe." I said, wrapping my arms around her waist.

Emma smiled at me. "Hi." she replied, pecking my lips.

Our flight for our honeymoon wasn't for another day, so we had all the time to ourselves to just relax in the hotel room.

"Are you hungry? We could order breakfast."

Emma nuzzled her nose into my neck. "In a little bit. I had something else in mind for this morning." she said, starting to leave kisses all down my neck.

"Oh yeah?" I asked.

"Mmhmm." She hummed.

Thirty minutes later, and both of us were tangled together, sweaty and catching our breaths.

"Holy shit, Em. You blew my mind."

"That's the affect I was hoping for." She said, pressing her lips to mine. "I love you."

Kissing her cheek, I told her I love her too. I love her more than anything.

Besides when we ordered food, we stayed in bed all day. Cuddling, talking, kissing, loving on each other. It was one of the laziest days we ever shared together, but we needed it after not being in the same bed for a week.

We flew to Croatia for our honeymoon, and it was beautiful. There were caves and waterfalls, and amazing beaches. Emma loved it, and seeing her this happy made me love it too.

It was when we were in a restaurant, I noticed Emma looking at another table. I glanced at them, and it was a family with a couple of little kids. It made me think about the future of our marriage.

"When should we have one?" I asked.

Emma glanced at me, snapping out of her gaze. "Huh?"

"When should we have kids? I know we talked about wanting kids, but we never said when."

Emma smiled, taking a sip of her water. "Honestly, it could happen anytime and I would be excited about it."

I smiled back at her. "Me too."

"Does that mean what I think it means?" She asked. I nodded my head, a smile growing onto my face.

"Are we trying to have a baby, Emma Dolan?"

I love that we share a last name now.

"We're trying time have a baby, Ethan Dolan."



I kind of thought that it would take on the first try. That I'd get pregnant that soon.

But I didn't. Not right away. The first few tests that came up negative three weeks after our honeymoon discouraged me a lot. But from what I've heard, it's pretty rare to get pregnant in the first few months of trying. I guess it depends on the person. Some people get it on the first try, and some people get it on the thousandth. Some people get it after years of trying, and some people get it unintentionally.

Even though we were struggling, Ethan and I stayed positive. We had to, or else we'd lose hope and give up.

After six months of trying, we finally got a positive test. I took three more just to make sure, but I knew I was pregnant just because I felt different. Plus I threw up randomly two days before the test came back positive.

Ethan wasn't home when I took the test, so I decided to surprise him. He was at the pizza shop, so I took the text with me and headed there.

When I got there, I said hello to the employees, and I found Ethan making a pizza in the kitchen.

"Hey, monkey! How are you, babe?" He asked, walking over to give me a greeting kiss.

"I'm good." I said, smiling back at him. "I have some good news."

I couldn't contain my smile. Ethan asked what the news was, and the longer I stood there smiling at him, the easier it became for him to figure it out.

"No way. You're—? We're—we're having a baby?" He asked, a smile already creeping onto his lips as I nodded.

I was lifted into the air by his arms, Ethan spinning around as he hugged me. There was now flour all over me, but it didn't matter. This was our moment.

He set me down, and then his lips were on mine. I felt him smile through the kiss, and I couldn't help but smile too. After months of trying without success, we were finally gonna have a mini version of one of us running around.

Ethan leaned down and put his hand on my belly. "I love you so much." He said, kissing my stomach through my shirt. "I always will."

Once he stood up, he gave me another warm hug, kissing my lips a few more times.

"Want some pizza?" He asked.

"Actually, yes. I've been craving it all day."

"Good because the pizza I was making is the pizza I was planning on bringing home for dinner."

I smiled. "You're amazing."

He walked back over to the pizza and continued to assemble it before putting it in the brick oven. My favorite.

After the pizza was done, he put it in a box, and we headed back to our place.

"I can't believe we're finally having a baby." Ethan said. "It doesn't feel real since we've been trying for what feels like forever."

I slipped on my water. "I know. I'm so excited."

"We're gonna have to get a new place." Ethan said.

"I know. I feel like so much has happened in this building. We fell in love here."

Ethan smiled. "We'll find a cute little house that we'll turn into a home."

And we did. Two months later we moved into the perfect sized house in the suburbs of Long Island, still close to the pizza shop. It was perfect. There were three bedrooms, and there was a garage and a big fenced-in backyard. Perfect for raising a family. It was also a very safe neighborhood with a great school district.

We were ready to finally be parents.

Ethan and I found out that our baby was due at the end of March, making me about fourteen weeks along when we moved into the house.

It was a surprise when we found out we were having twin girls.

We couldn't have been happier.

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