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For EzzaTNSFAN , SummerDancer12376 and serenab0017 ♥️

"Hey! No kissing my little sister in front of me!" Heath flushes and pulls away, but she looks back at her brother defiantly. He raises his eyebrows and then checks his watch. "Isn't it time for you to be going, anyway, Heathcliff?"
"You could stay over?" Izzy offers, a little too eager. She doesn't even consider the implications of this question until she sees Heath's eyes widen. He swallows uncomfortably.
"I'm sorry, what?" Ozzy has his arms crossed, and stands so his shoulders are broader. He lays a strategic hand on her arm.
"Oh!" She bites her lip, "I meant like with a sleeping bag or something. Not-"
"Please don't finish that sentence." Her older brother says, and her boyfriend nods way too enthusiastically. "You have to ask Mum." She holds up a finger and heads off to do just that, leaving the two boys alone.

An awkward silence descends. They would usually be chirping at each other or talking about dance but there wasn't really a good opener after that conversation.
"So, Dancemania?" Ozzy attempts.
"Yeah. Next week. Should be pretty cool." That's an understatement.
"Izzy and I have been rewatching all the old seasons." He smiles. "We know exactly the plot twist to every episode by heart, but she stills freaks each time we watch it, as if it's the first time she's ever seen it." He grins too. That was such a 'her' thing to do.
"That's like me when I watch old episodes of Grey's Anatomy."
"You watch Grey's?" Ozzy asks, amused. Medical dramas were not what he had labelled as Heath's thing. He suddenly feels embarrassed. Grey's wasn't exactly a…manly show.
"Only because my mum watches it." Ozzy senses that he's thrown him off and feels bad instantly.
"Hey, it's good, I watch it with Iz sometimes."
Five minutes later and they are in a heated argument about whether Alex is better suited to Izzie or Jo.
"Don't mess with the original!" Heath likes the nostalgia of the older episodes.
"But Jo's storyline with him is way more emotional!"
"Are you kidding?"

Izzy is the least surprised to find them like this.
"Heath, you're amazing, but I'm siding with my brother on this one." He's about to retaliate but then he realises that she called him 'amazing.' He can't help but feel a warmth inside of him at that. "Also, you can stay."
"Great." He kisses her cheek. Ozzy coughs and he backs away, but she takes his hand. Ozzy rolls his eyes. "I have a video call with Kingston. If I find you with your hands all over her…" She shoves him playfully in the direction of his room.

"You're pretty." He says as soon as Ozzy's gone, already more confident. She beams.
"You're not so bad yourself." There's a moment where they just stay quiet, appreciating each other.
"Hey, so, what's the plan for tonight?"
"I was thinking we could watch a movie - I have a DVD of the Shining?"
"Stephen King? He's my favourite author!"
"Mine too!" Izzy loves hanging with someone other than her relatives who casually has a favourite author.
"And then we can stay up late, talking. Or, I have animal crossing?"
"Both?" He suggests and she lets herself collapse into him, smiling. He holds her close and she takes a whiff of his aftershave. It's lemony. She inhales, taking in and savouring every part of him before they have to spend some time apart next week.

The fandom have lately convinced me that they are one of the PUREST ships on the show ever :))

Thanks for reading ♥️

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