Chapter 18: Meadow

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There really is nothing like waking up feeling refreshed. You've had enough sleep, your heart isn't broken and it's your first day off in a while.

I leaned back against the backboard of my bed watching Halin try and catch the toy rat I was controlling. Quite, deep laughs tickled my throat as he continuously missed the rat.

" Do you want it bud?"

" Yes, master!"

"Okay, here you go." I laughed tossing the toy to him.

With a cry of delight, he picked the toy up, took it to his cage, and began to drip it to shreds. Strands of wool fell to the floor making a river of colour against the brown floorboards.

" So what are we going to do today master?"

" Nothing Halin that's what a day off is all about." I groaned.

Sinking into my pillows I found myself humming the tune Ava was singing last night.

Sadly as it always is my peace was rudely interrupted by the deafening sound of my mam stomping up the stairs.

"She doesn't sound happy master." Halin squawked, shying back into his cage.

" Don't worry Halin she isn't mad. That's how she always walks up the stairs." I rolled my eyes.

" Really?"

" Yup, one day you'll be a master at telling the difference like me." I smirked.

My bedroom door swung open bashing into my drawer. The ear-bleeding sound made Halin shriek like a banshee and flap his wings making his steel cage shake.

My mam stood in her normal evil glory. A brown sack and a piece of paper trapped in her steel vice hand.

" Go to the market." She demanded.

" Good morning to you too."

" Don't be like that with me. Get dressed and go to the market." She growled slamming the bag and paper on my drawer. With one last glare, she stormed out, slamming the door shut behind her.

" So much for a day off." I mumbled," you alright there Halin?"

" Yes, master I'm alright. Just had a little fright."

" Yeah, because e screaming like a banshee is a little fright." I laughed.

" Are you sure she wasn't mad?"

" Trust me Halin, that wasn't anger. That's just how she normally asks me to do things." I scoffed.

With my clothes in my hands, I went to the bathroom and stepped into the warm shower. The steam erupting from the water clouded the bathroom. My tense, sore muscles from yesterday's training instantly relaxed as the warm water beat down on me.

As I washed my body and hair I once again found myself humming. As I sang images of Ava flashed before me. Her hair, her beautiful eyes, her voice. I barely know anything about her but if she told me to jump off a cliff I would.

Once I was cleaned and dressed I set off to the market.

The air was sharp with cold, slicing me as I walked. Not even my jacket could shield me from the cold if the approaching winter.

The grass-lined with orange and red leaves, crunching under my boots.

" I thought the point of a day off was to do nothing master."

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