Chapter 10: Christian

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He didn't look up at the sound of his fathers voice. It was more of a greeting then a question, it gave him a reason not to respond he guessed.

He tore at his toast, tapping numbly at his phone. He jerked a little as it was pulled from his grasp.

Richard stared at him, gesturing to a plate of food he set on the table.
"What's this?"

"What's it look like?"

"Chris. Don't start." He rolled eyes, pulling at the phone again. He spoke quietly over his chewing.


"..for me?" Christian glanced up. His father was eying the food slowly as if seeing something he couldn't.

Christian got he never did things like that but..well he was there, the waffles were there. It didn't mean shit.

"Thanks." He muttered. He hesitated, eying his son before adjusting his suit and taking a seat next to him. He began to dig into his cheap meal.

Christian focused on his phone, fighting not to pay attention to the man who hadn't touched him in a few days. It's not like he wasn't relieved. But it was starting to freak him out a little.

Ever since their fight. That day at Alec's after it all went down, that whole time he just thought about his father. About what would happen to him when he got home. Dreading that punishment.

It had yet to come. Given their past, he wasn't sure that was for the better.

They sat silently, munching on food and sipping coffee. His father scolded him for chugging his, not surprised when he burnt himself. He just shrugged.

Richard stood at the door, briefcase in hand. It was Saturday but the man still had work. This was the time when he would ask Christian to come close. Give his father a kiss goodbye. And not the heartwarming kind.

Christian grunted, fighting off the sulk in his shoulders.

Let's just get this over with.

He drew himself over, standing before the man with a numb stare. Richard stared back, lost in thought.

"Got big plans today?" He mumbled. Christian stared at his rare fumbling. Fucking freaky.

"Not really, just friends."

He squinted a little at what that meant; no doubt thinking back on the bruises left on Christian by someone other than himself.

" know when to be home."


Richard nodded a final time, eyes turning elsewhere. With that he turned and left.

Christian stood at the door, watching it close before him. He stayed there; just like that, several moments.

Was..this a test? Was there something he was meant to be doing? What if Richard came back expecting him to wait, expecting to have that kiss from him instead.

What was he supposed to do?

The sound of the car pulling off could be heard, smooth engine roaring before it hit the cement. His ears strained from the front door until it left his ears completely.

He jumped at a bling from his pants. He rubbed at his face with a breath, reaching for the device.

 He rubbed at his face with a breath, reaching for the device

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