Part 18 Mina! Stop Trying To Kill Shinso

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That morning when everyone woke up and was getting ready for school (except Kami my poor boy) Shinso noticed a certain spiky blond was missing from the common room. It wasn't like Bakugo to sleep in, he was never late for school, let alone missed a day.

"Do you know where Bakugo is?" Shinso asked Mina, his curiosity getting the better of him.

"I was up early today and saw him leave, I think he went to check on Kiri, Recovery Girl did say he was supposed to wake up today," Mina said as she looked through her bag to make sure everything was there.

She had been up early to check on Kaminari, she was happy to know he had slept but he was still in heat and definitely not in the right headspace to come out of his room, let alone the fact that his scent could trigger any of the alphas ruts.

"Oh ya," if Shinso was being honest he had almost forgotten about the other omegas situation. He had been knocked out the other day with all the sedatives that were in his system.

"I'm going to stop by the nurse's office to check in on him before class if you want to come with me?" Mina asked, shouldering her bag.

"Sure why not," Shinso said. He should at least try to be a good friend, even if he hated any sort of hospital. Ever since Shinso was younger he had hated hospitals, he had no real reason behind the feeling, he just never liked them. And that included nurse's offices.

The Bakusquad, or at least the people who weren't already in the nurse's office or Kami, knocked on the door to Recovery Girls office and stepped in.

They saw Bakugo sitting in a chair beside the bed and Kirishima began to steer awake.

"Ugh, how long was I-"

"Kiri!" Mina screamed and practically pounced on the other omega. "We were so worried."

"Hey, give him some space," Bakugo almost growled at Mina as he pulled her off the other boy.

Mina apologized and Recovery Girl stepped in to check his vitals and all that good stuff. "You were out for a few days," Bakugo answered the question Kirishima never finished.

Kirishima looked around and saw all but one of the Bakusquad members and got a little worried. "Where's Kaminari?" He asked, "did something happen to him too?"

"No he's fine, he's just..." Bakugo trailed off forgetting why their bubbly friend wasn't there as well.

"He's in heat," Shinso cut in.

"That's not exactly fine..." Kirishima said under his breath. He knew just how painful it could get without someone to... help.

"Ok, ok, you all need to get to class now, Kirishima needs rest," Recovery Girl said, stepping between the group and Kirishima. The look on Bokugo's face said that he didn't want to leave, but Mina and Sero managed to drag him out of the room to let Kirishima rest.


Shinso couldn't get his mind off of Kaminari the whole day. He found himself zoning out a lot and almost got sent to the office one time because of it.

"Shinso, you better not be sick," Mina said when they got back to the dorms and Shinso had zoned out for the umpteenth time that day. "I have too many friends bedridden already." Though that was really the only one since Kirishima was supposed to be coming back to the dorms around dinner.

"I'm not sick," Shinso ensured her. The rest of their friends were distracted with a cat video on Seros phone. Shinso pulled Mina to the side for a minute. "How's Kaminari doing?" He asked. He knew very little about heat other than the few things he remembered reading in 6th grade for a class.

Mina was a tad shocked by the question. "I mean it's heat, it's never very pleasant." Mina has checked on him right when they got back to the dorms. His condition had worsened and his thoughts and words were anything but rational. "He liked your sweater if you're wondering. I don't think he's stopped cuddling it."

Shinso didn't know what to do with that information. Part of his brain was telling him he was only doing that because it had an alphas scent on it and it may have been comforting. The other side of his brain was saying that it was because he liked Shinso and his scent made him think he was there with him.

"He wouldn't stop saying your name," Mina whispered before sitting back down with the group. "Aww, they're so cute!" She said when she saw the kitten video that was playing.

Shinso didn't know what to do with that information either. His face was heating up. "I'm going to go back to my room," he muttered before leaving the common room.

When he got to his room the first thing he did was yell into a pillow. Before flopping onto his back. A small part of him wanted to go see Kaminari. But that wasn't rational thinking, the rest of his brain thought. They weren't dating or anything. This was not the right time for any of that.

-semi inappropriate stuff but like nothing major-

His mind lingered on what Mina had said. 'He wouldn't stop saying your name' what was she trying to do? Kill him? An image of Kaminari lying in bed and moaning his name flickered through his brain.

-ya that was it-

No stop that Hitoshi. Shinso thought as he shut down the thought. No this is your friend don't think that sort of stuff about him. He pulled out his homework and tried to get his mind off the subject.

When Mina brought Denki his food later that night, he was wearing Shinso's sweater, even though his body was overheating. The thought of Shinso was the only thing keeping his going.

(Ya so that happened... hope you all are still liking this! tho I don't know why you would read this far if you didn't... anyway see you in the next chapter!?)

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