| 17 | Void -001 | Anamnesis

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noun - an·​am·​ne·​sis
Collegiate Definition
1: a recalling to the mind

A lone tear traced down Midoriya's cheek before the floodgates opened. He cried with more violence than any gale. When the wracking sobs passed, he fell silent and from his eyes came a thicker flow of tears.

He struggled to get out of Iida's grasp, continuously calling Bakugo's nickname as if the ferocity of it might bring him back. It's as if by the sheer force of his yelling that the event would be undone.

Uraraka watched on how grievous the greenhead was. It almost reminded her of when Bakugo was kidnapped by the League of Villains, a choked sob escaping her lips.

"Midoriya.. We.. have to go..." Iida uttered but he refused. He wanted to see Bakugo and find out if he's alright. Midoriya was insistent and gradually broke down, blaming himself and constantly wanting to take his childhood friend's place.

Iida took steady steps as he reached the door 'til they heard a faint call.

"Fucking... Nerd.." An almost inaudible grouchy voice coming from the pit can be heard. Midoriya's sobs stopped and began looking at where could that have come from.

He pinpointed it and darted his eyes around a side. There he saw a spiky haired ash-blonde with ruby red eyes lying on an ice pack. The person was half unconscious, barely even managing to keep his eyes open.

"K-Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled out, relieved on seeing the person he mentioned was alright. Almost all the weight that dropped to his heart to carry has been lifted.

His body didn't dare move a muscle, after all the adrenaline that rushed to his body even if he didn't move was now drained.

Iida and Uraraka were surprised and immediately turned their head to Todoroki, who was on his knees, his arm pointing to Bakugo's. There, he fell to the ground, succumbing to the cold. Even with that, they.. were in victory's side.

"We... We won.." Uraraka trailed off before plopping to the ground.

The two sighed at ease. The battle was finally over. They defeated the enemy, saved Midoriya and won.

Their whole fight merely took a near twenty minutes if they counted but it felt more than that. It felt as if they've been fighting for almost a whole day, they were all knackered but at the same time glad.

Iida twisted the doorknob which was jagged and loose. Breaching the door open, the inside looked so miraculous.

A huge golden sun rose over the edge of the side, its lonely rays fell on their eyes.

The wind stirred up the wispy sand as it's hot breeze came through, bringing their temperature back up a bit. In front of Midoriya laid a brown, desolated desert with a sunrise on the back.

This was the other side. The safer side with calm winds and still flooring. A place that felt serene and quiet.

Iida, carrying the greenhead, tried entering the door, only for an invisible wall to deny him. From the unexpected declination, he was sent backwards, almost falling to the ground. "That's... Strange."

Some of them looked up as Iida slowly tried to enter his finger, only for the same effect to happen. "I'm not allowed..? Preposterous!"

Iida tried again, carrying the greenette, but his body didn't come in. Instead, Midoriya flew right off his arms and passed through the door with no struggle.

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