The Forest Chapter 20.

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I stand outside the police station for a moment, unable to move. I can't think or decide anything, too stunned to react. Alice is alive, I start jumping and screaming

"Yes I knew it!"

I look back and think it's better this way, she should be here to meet her family. I wasn't that religious but I think my prayers have been answered! The small car park which had felt grubby and depressing on the way in suddenly looked sunny and beautiful. A small flower I hadn't noticed before grew in a crack by the kerb.

"Well done for not giving up, little flower!"

I pour some of my water next to it as a little reward.

"Hi Mary, the pressure finally got to you? Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness!" It's Brian

"Oh I wasn't talking to myself I was talking to this flower."

I realise I sound even crazier now! I can't hide my smile anymore and I start hugging Brian.

"Thank you for helping me all this time, you are amazing! And the police are amazing too. They are hard working and so friendly. Nothing like the police I knew twenty years ago. Isn't life so wonderful!"

I start laughing at how crazy I sound. But I sound even crazier, Brian has a worried frown on his face. I should let him in on the joke, by his face I can tell he doesn't know. I wonder why he came to the police station today? Probably to help find Alice.

"Are you ok Mary? It's a bit hot today. Do you want to sit in the car?" Brian sounds concerned.

He'll be so happy! I have the craziest smile as I grab his arm.

"You'll never guess what happened! They found her, she's found! Brian, she's alive!"

I tell him as Brian's father and uncle get out of the car, I turn and shout.

"Everyone, they found her, she's ok! Alice is ok!"

Brian's face starts to change and now we are laughing together. His uncle joins in, now there are three happy people jumping around. We get a funny look from a group of teenagers passing by. Brian's dad smiles but doesn't join in. He seems a bit sad, I wonder what's wrong for a moment. His phone rings and he steps away from the crazy group we've formed.

"Brian let's go to Devon and pick her up from the hospital!" I asked him.

I'm so happy I want to go straight away. I was going to get a coach but it would be faster if I get a lift. I know it's a bit shameless but I'm too eager to see her! He looks at me in surprise.

"Is she hurt? If she's in hospital can she be discharged now, or will it take some time? How bad is it?" Brian asks, jolting me back to reality.

I was so happy about Alice being found, I forgot that she was in hospital and she could be hurt. I'm quiet for a minute thinking what I need to do.

"Sorry Brian I haven't called the hospital so I don't know yet, I got so excited." It's not like me to act this way.

He looks at me smiling. "Hopefully she's not badly hurt if the police didn't say anything." He comforts me.

Just then Brian's father returns. He looks at us all with a little smile, he reaches out to Brian.

"Our appointment is rescheduled everyone so let's go see Alice!"

Brian nods. "Let's all sit in the car, so Mary can call the hospital. You can use my phone if you want."

We walk back to the car and get in. It's quite an expensive looking car with leather seats, not the car he usually drives. Inside is spacious and the temperature is cool and fresh. Brian's other car was new and expensive too but it wasn't posh to this level. Since his accident he finally bought a brand new car and had been more strict with getting his car checked at the garage, but this didn't seem his style.

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