The Forest chapter 37

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Mum's gone to work but Aiden's in the garden. I've cleaned the whole house trying to get rid of this restless feeling. At least I've been doing something useful, I wonder what Aiden's up to? He's been sitting on the grass for hours. I peek through the kitchen door to see he's still there.

Better make some lunch I suppose, I'll impress him this time. I started making a truly amazing stir fry with noodles, I bet he's never had noodles before! I call him in but he doesn't hear me so I have to go outside and see what's going on. I tap him on the shoulder and I swear I saw a light come out of his eyes. I shake my head, it's just my imagination.

He smiles and stands up a bit shakily.

"I've been sitting down too long, sorry Alice."

He stretches and walks around till he's a bit steadier on his feet. I drag him in to show him the lunch I've made, it smells awesome but he has to wash his arms and hands first! I don't know what he was doing but there's mud up to his shoulders. When we finally eat, the food is a bit cold but it still tastes pretty good.

I'm in the middle of cleaning up with Aiden's help, when the phone rings. It's my mum, why is she calling from work?

"Alice get sorted and meet me at the police station, just bring Aiden with you. Be there in an hour!"

Then she hung up. What? No explanation. Aiden looks like he could fall over any second so I get ready first while he has a rest. Communing with nature really takes it out of ya! I wonder what it's really like?

I wake him up when I'm done, he still looks tired but he wants to come with me. We leave the house five minutes later, Aiden has no problem on the bus this time. He's fast asleep leaning on my shoulder. I have to shake him really hard at our stop. We squeeze out as the driver grumbles at us. It's a short walk to the police station. Aiden must have been having some serious tree time, he's pretty out of it.

The police officer at reception waves us through, without asking for names, it's funny how our family is so well known here. Mum's already chatting with the inspector, anyway I think it's the man who called Mum or Grandad last time. They turn as we approach, he smiles and offers his hand.

"Hello Miss MacDara, I'm Inspector Philip Josephs but you can call me Philip."

He seems nice, I shake his hand and we move to a small room with a glass wall. I've only seen something like this on TV so it's kind of exciting. There's a police woman wearing headphones in the room sitting at a table with some switches and a CCTV screen.

"I would like Mary as a witness, to observe this possible suspect. The officer in the other room will question him, he seems to have a knack with him. He's a bit mentally disabled so bear this in mind. Do either of you recognise him?"

Aiden has fallen asleep on a chair in the room, so it's only Mum and me. Mum shakes her head, she's too upset to think properly. By the expression on her face, she's getting angry. I hold Mum's hand and force her to look at me.

"He said the man is a suspect! You don't know if it was him. Look again Mum!"

There's probably no chance that I know him. She's trying to calm down but it's not working.

"Don't worry Mary, just watch the questioning for now. If anything comes to you, I'm here." The inspector says as he taps the shoulder of the other police officer in the room. The woman reaches out to a button and suddenly we can hear what's being said.

"Davy, I know you've already spoken to the psychologist today but we need to ask a few more questions. I know you can do it! You're a responsible adult, a grown up and you can help us, ok." The man called Davy is rocking in his chair, his hands over his head. Slowly he looks up at the officer, who is very patiently waiting for a response.

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