Chapter Four

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It's been a while since Archie and I's last interaction. I'm too caught up in school because final exams are just around the corner. And as for Archie, he's too busy squeezing himself into Ronnie's life even if it's noticeable that she doesn't give the same interest in him as he do to her.

Tonight, my Tee-Tee and I are together at Thistlehouse, and I can really notice that she want to sleep with me by giving me this dirty look. As much as I really want to, I'm not in the mood because I have this massive headache that thumps my head. I really don't know why. Maybe it's just stress because I'm too caught up in school.

Babe, I really want you tonight. Can't you notice it? Toni said with a disappointment in her face.

I'm sorry, Toni. I'm really not in the mood. My head really hurts. I said.

Ohh, that's okay, babe. I didn't know. Would you like to have some paracetamol? She asked concernedly.

I'm fine, Tee-Tee, thanks. I said while smiling.

Let's just cuddle and watch Netflix? She suggested.

I'd love that! I said.

So we scrolled Netflix to find a movie that we both want to watch.

Babe, what about this 'Dangerous Lies', this looks intriguing. Toni suggested.

Choose any movie but that, the MC looks like Veronica Lodge. It will just piss me off when we watch the movie. I said.

As you wish. Toni said.

So we scrolled again to find another movie. And one movie really caught my attention.

Tee-Tee, will you scroll back? I think I found the movie that I want to watch! I said excitingly.

Which one? She asked.

'The Last Summer'... I think the movie's going to be interesting by the title of it. I said.

'The Last Summer' it is. Toni agreed.

To be honest, the movie caught my eye not because of its title, but because the MC definitely looks like Archie Andrews. I just don't want to tell it to Toni because it might hurt her feelings.

So we watched the movie while we're cuddling and eating popcorn. But in the middle of the movie, I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. So I immediately ran in the bathroom and closed the door. I threw up as quiet as possible because I don't want her to worry.

Babe, are you okay? Toni shouted.

But I wasn't able to answer because I am still throwing up.

When I'm already done. I rinsed my mouth with water and wiped it with a towel. I went out as fast possible for Toni not to suspect anything.

Babe, what happened? What took you so long? Toni asked worryingly.

I just pinched a loaf. Nothing to worry about. I said then we both chuckled.

We then continued the movie and finished it. After that, we cuddled to sleep.

But in the middle of the night, I woke up with the sudden urge to throw up again. So I ran in the bathroom and throw up. But this time, I didn't manage to close the door and make it quiet.

Suddenly, Toni showed up in the comfort room and pulled my hair while I'm throwing up. I feel like I threw up every meal that I've eaten for the whole day. It just won't stop.

When I'm finally done, I cleansed my mouth then Toni started interrogating me.

Have you eaten something bad, babe? Toni asked concernedly.

I don't think so. I replied.

Since when are you throwing up? She asked.

Just a while ago while we're watching the movie. I said.

Oh, so you lied to me? Why would you lie to me, babe? She asked.

I didn't want you to worry. And besides, I'm sure that this is nothing to worry about. I said.

Nothing to worry about? It looks like you're about to throw up your soul back there! Is it possible... that you're pregnant? Toni asked curiously.

Then it came to me what happened between me and Archie last time. I realized that I just missed my period this month. I started panicking but I didn't make it obvious so Toni won't worry.

Well, I've been uh... partying for the last couple weeks. I said nervously.

Babe, you've been partying without telling me? She asked furiously.

I'm sorry, babe. I just need some distraction from school. I said.

Fine, just wait here and I'll run to the nearest drugstore and buy you couples of sticks. Toni said.

Toni went out to buy me some pregnancy test while I'm waiting here with my mind torturing me.

I hope that it's negative because my life would be over if it'll be positive. And how am I suppose to tell Archie if it turned positive? I'll tell him that something happened to us without him remembering it? Or I'll tell him that it's me and not Ronnie? How will he suppose to believe me? And Toni... She doesn't deserve all this. All she's doing is being a good girlfriend to me. Why did I even cheated to her? For my best friend that is taking me for granted? I even lied to her that I've been partying! I wouldn't party in this particular time. I'm really focused in school. Ugh... I don't know what to do!

After a few minutes, Toni came back with 3 pregnancy test. I peed in all of them and went back to Toni so we could wait together for 5 minutes.

While waiting, Toni held my hands tightly.

Whatever the result is, babe, I'll be here with you. Toni said while smiling at me.

I love you, Toni. I'm lucky to have you. I said while leaning my head on his shoulder.

I love you more, babe. She said.

And when the timer rang, we both froze for a second.

Do you want me to look at them for you? Toni asked.

I'm fine, babe. Thanks. I said while smiling at her.

I went back to the comfort room to see the results. I closed my eyes for 2 seconds, and when I opened it, what peeked me is 2 lines for all of them.

Toni, it's all positive. I said while walking out of the comfort room.

Toni ran to me and gave me the tightest and warmest hug ever. I cried in her shoulders while she's patting my back.

Toni, maybe we should wait 5 minutes more. Maybe it'll turn negative later. I said while searching for hope.

Babe, the instructions says 5 minutes. She said.

I can't! I said while crying more on her shoulders.

Shh... I'll be with you. Toni whispered in my ear.

When I finally calm down, we decided to try to deal with it.

Babe, do you know who's the father? Toni asked.

No. I replied.

Okay, babe. We'll get through this together. Toni said while kissing me on the cheeks.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope that you're enjoying this story! Someone reading my story means so much to me, so thank you💜

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