Chapter Eight

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It's the night before graduation. Toni and I already bought our outfits for tomorrow and got our nails done. I'm all prepared for graduation physically but not mentally. I feel like I'll never be ready for my big day if my mom won't be there. And also, I have no idea what to do after high school.

It's already dinner time, so I decided to go downstairs to have a meeting with my family regarding to everything that's been going on. But I noticed that my dad isn't there.

Jay-Jay, where's our dad? I asked.

Cheryl, there you are. Haven't you heard? Dad has plans until tomorrow with his business associates, so he won't be able to attend our graduation. Jason said.

Why are you saying it like you're so cool about it? I asked.

'Cause I'm really cool about it. Jason said.

Then who's going with us tomorrow? I asked while panicking.

Think, Cheryl... We still got mom. Jason said with a grin on his face.

You're right, Jason. I said.

So we immediately contact mom and invited her in our graduation since dad won't make it tomorrow. She immediately answered yes, so Jason and I are nothing but happy right now.

I'll get to meet her in person... finally. Jason said while hugging me.

Haven't you been in touch with her when I gave you her contact number? I asked.

We just texted a couple times but that's it. He said.

Well, I'm happy for you, Jason. She's great. I said.

So we eat our dinner after that and went to sleep with a grin on our faces.

It's the morning before our graduation and I'm ready to go. As I went downstairs, I am in complete surprise to see the person with Jason.

Dad?! What are you doing here? I thought that you won't make it? I asked confusedly.

Why don't you look so happy that I'm here? I told my business associates last night that I have to cancel our plans for today because it's my twins' big day. Dad said.

Jason and I looked at each other and sensed that we're both screwed.

So our travel going to school is very quiet. My brother and I are really nervous of the chaos that might happen later. I sure still want to see my mom there, but I'm not sure if I want her to be there with my dad's presence, considering the history between them.

When we already arrived, I immediately saw Archie's parents sitting on the parents' side with Veronica. I also saw Toni's grandfather with her. And of course, I saw my mom waiting there for us.

Penelope, what the hell are you doing here?! Dad asked furiously.

Mom, dad, let me explain. This was all my idea... I never thought that you'd make it, dad. Jason said nervously.

We'll talk about this after the ceremony altogether. My dad said while walking away.

So all throughout the ceremony, I'm feeling very nervous of what might happen later. But since I'm Cheryl Marjorie Blossom, I just had a perfect idea on how to play this.

So we all waited a couple of hours because of the speeches by the senior class president, the valedictorian, and a guest speaker. They also showed us some AVP for the graduates.

When the event is finally over, my family went home straight. I wasn't able to say goodbye to Toni and Archie because this is really urgent... Family comes first every time.

Our travel going home is once again quiet, but this time, we're with mom. Jason is sitting on the front with dad who's driving the car while mom and I gets to seat at the back.

How are you and the baby? My mom whispered.

We're perfectly fine, thanks to your advice. I whispered back.

I sorry I got you and your brother in trouble. She mumbled.

You haven't done anything wrong, mom. We brought you into this. Now, I promise that we will fix this together. I mumbled.

When we get home, we all sat down at the living room to have a meeting.

Dad, I'm really really sorry. Jason said while crying.

Jason, stop. Dad, we have the right to contact OUR mom for graduation. She's our mom at the first place. You have no right to take that away from us. She's the reason why we're both living. Though, we survived 16 years without her, Jason and I still want her to see the person that we've become, and that's today! I said fiercely.

Clifford, don't do anything to our kids. I'll just go away so this would be over. My mom said while tearing up.

NO! All of you, stop. Cheryl's right. I've been a very cruel husband and a horrible dad. I want to make things right now. Penelope, I'm very sorry for hurting you before. I've been very immature and self-centered. I don't expect for you to forgive me now, or anytime, I just want you to be around our children's life. They need you... Especially now that we will be having a grandchild already. Cheryl, Jason, I'm sorry for depriving you both to see your mother and mock things about her that doesn't speak the whole truth. I just don't want you both to love anyone more than me. But I realized now that it's very childish and selfish. If you will all let me, I want to be a better person, at least before I die. My dad said while crying.

We all hugged dad to signify that we forgive him because we can really see it in his eyes that he's really sorry for what he's done.

We may not be considered as a whole family until now, but at least we have closure to all the hatred that we've been carrying for years.

The 4 of us spent each day together for the whole summer before our college. My mom also moved back in the Thistlehouse since dad and her already has a good relationship. And I can say that their old feelings are coming back. Not the bad ones, the sweet ones. We bonded altogether like an actual family in our rest house at Kentucky.

I also had to tell them the truth about how I conceived my baby. They're all surprised about it, but they didn't judged me and still loved me for who I am. They also respected my decision to keep it a secret from Archie.

But all good times has to end...

Jason just transferred to his dorm last week at Brown University. And today is my turn.

My mom helped my pack my stuffs for my dorm. My dad also hired me a personal doula that lives near my dorm so I could call them in case of emergency.

Toni fetched me in our house so we could go together at Highsmith college.

Saying goodbye to my parents is really hard. It made it hard for me to say goodbye to my dad because I've known him for my whole life, it's somehow strange to live a life without him. And as for my mom, I just knew her recently, then I had to say goodbye this soon.

But I know that going to college will make them proud. So even if it's painful, I still let them go for now.

Let's go, babe. Toni said while holding my hand.

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