Chapter Twelve

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It's the next day after the Homecoming Game. And I'm going to be honest, I barely slept last night. I'm really worried about Veronica. Archie hasn't texted me yet about her.

But just a few minutes after I woke up, I got a call from Archie.

Hello, Archie, how's Veronica? I asked worryingly over the phone.

Can... can we please just meet in person? I really need my best friend right now. Archie said while crying.

Of course, I'll meet you up. But where? I asked.

Let's meet at Pop's. We can't meet here... I don't want Veronica to see me vulnerable. I need to be strong for her. Archie said.

I'll be there as soon as I can. I said then I hanged up the phone.

I saw that Chelsea and Toni are still sleeping deep, and I don't want to disturb them. So instead, I just left them a note saying that I'll meet Archie at Pop's and I don't want to wake them up.

I just changed my clothes into the first outfit I my hands have touched I don't really care how I look today. My best friend needs me now and I don't want to disappoint him.

I drove my car as fast as I can to Pop's. And when I get there, I saw Archie crying.

I immediately ran to hug him.

He cried in my shoulders for quite a while. And when he calmed down, he decided to talk.

Thanks for coming here, Cheryl. He said while wiping his tears.

Of course, I'll go whenever my best friend needs me. I wouldn't miss it for the world. I said.

Archie smiled and continued talking...

So I called you here because Veronica miscarried our baby, and I don't want to cry in front of her. Archie said while his voice is cracking.

Archie, I'm so sorry. But what exactly happened? I asked.

Well, I already told you that the baby's hold isn't that strong. Whatever care we put in our baby, it's just not meant to be. I don't know why... maybe the problem is in me. Archie said furiously.

That's impossible. I whispered.

What? Archie asked curiously.

Nothing. I'm just saying that you're completely fine. Maybe it's just not meant to be because it's not the right time. Who knows? Maybe there's more to come someday. I said.

You're right. He said.

Okay, I know that there's nothing I can do to lessen the pain that you're feeling, but I do know how to make you happy for a moment. Remember what we're doing when we were kids whenever you always feel sad after getting low scores in our math quizzes? I asked.

We used to dance under our favorite tree and forget about the world while our favorite song "Songbird" is playing. He said.

Glad you remembered. Shall we? I asked.

Aller vite! Archie shouted.

So I rode my car with Archie to go to the tree that we used to dance. But when we get there, we noticed that the trees are chopped off.

I'm so sorry, Archie. I said with a disappointment on my face.

Don't be sorry. Who says that we can't dance just because the trees are chopped off? Archie said with a grin on his face.

If you say so. I said.

Then I played the song "Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac over my phone, and we started slow dancing.

Wow, I'm surprised that you had it in your phone. That song is really old. Archie said.

You've got to be kidding me. Of course it's in my phone, this is my favorite song since forever. This song is timeless. I said.

I agree. I will never get tired of this song. It keeps me from remembering you. Archie said.

And then we keep on slow dancing. But in one moment, something happened. Archie and I looked each other in the eyes for a few minutes. And then, we finally kissed. When his lips touched mine, I saw fireworks in my head. It felt so wrong but it felt so right at the same time. But I stopped kissing...

Archie, let's stop this. I said.

Why? Archie asked confusedly.

You don't love me. You just did it because you're sad. I said while my tears are starting to well.

That's not true. Archie said.

We shouldn't have done that. I said while I'm wiping my tears.

And then the song stopped playing because it's replaced by a ringtone.

When I looked up to it, I noticed that it's Toni who's calling me.

Hello, babe, why are you calling me? I asked while my voice is cracking.

It's Chelsea, babe! Toni said in a panicking voice.

What?! What about her? I asked concernedly.

She's been hit and run... Just come here and I'll explain to you everything. I'll text you where. Toni said.

Okay, I'll be there. I said then I immediately hanged up.

When she already texted me where, I immediately ran to my car.

What happened? Archie asked confusedly.

I have to go! I shouted as I entered my car.

Cheryl, wait! Archie shouted.

But I just ignored it and drove my car as fast as I can because I have to go and see my baby.

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is short, but I promise you that the next scenes are very intense. So stay tuned to find out💜

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