Chapter Ten

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So we survived that arrangement for 4 years until we graduate. Even if we're caught up in school, we still manage to take care of Chelsea and mold her into a sweet and loving girl.

The bond between the 3 of us is unbreakable. We all sticked together and lived in a small apartment here in Pasadena for a year now. Chelsea is currently 4 years old and is a kindergarten.

Toni and I are working here now.

Toni is an employed accountant while I am baking and selling cupcakes online.

I'm not going to lie, our life here is very tough. I wasn't able to get a stable job even if I graduated college because no company would accept me for I am a teen mom. So I just decided to sell cupcakes online since I'm good at it. But my online business isn't doing well since my brand isn't well-known here. And as for Toni, she's making just enough money for the 3 of us to survive, but that's it.

Babe, I really miss our life back at Riverdale. It's very tough to live here. I said while budgeting our money.

Well, you're just in time, babe. Toni said while walking towards me.

What are you talking about, Tee-Tee? I asked.

Riverdale High's homecoming game is next week. They're inviting all of the alumni to come. Toni said.

Are you thinking of going there? I asked.

Yes. 'Cause why not, babe? We'll be able to see our family again. Your parents could see how Chelsea have grown. And maybe... you could see your old friend, Archie. Don't you want that? Toni said.

I'm almost convinced to go back at Riverdale until Toni mentioned Archie. I would love to reunite with Archie again, but I can't take the risk of him finding out about the truth behind Chelsea. And I've moved on from him, I'm afraid that all my feelings would come back once I see him again.

No, babe! I don't want to come back to Riverdale. We barely have the money to buy our needs here, then we will spend more money on traveling expenses? What's the point?! I shouted irritatingly.

Babe, if it's about the money you're worrying, then I could tell my boss that I would love to OT so I could have extra money for our traveling expenses. Toni said.

I'm still not convinced, Toni. What if someone orders cupcakes when we're at Riverdale? I worried.

But, babe... it's just one week! How could you miss so much in such short period of time? Toni defended.

And then Chelsea went out of her room out of the blue.

Oh no, baby, did I wake you because I shouted? I'm so sorry. I said while I hug her.

It's okay, mommy. But are you two fighting? Chelsea asked innocently.

We're not fighting, honey bunch. Mimi is just telling mommy that we should visit our hometown, Riverdale. Don't you miss your grandparents and uncle Jason? Toni said while stroking Chelsea's hair.

Yes, mommy, we should visit them. I miss them so much! But what I miss the most is granny's maple pancakes. Chelsea said while giggling.

Can you say no to your daughter, Cheryl? Toni whispered in my ear.

Fine. I said then sighed.

I reluctantly said yes because I couldn't say no to my daughter. Her happiness is my happiness.

So we booked our flight to Riverdale and left on Friday night.

When we arrived, we immediately went to the Thistlehouse and surprised my parents.

Cheryl, Toni, what are you doing here?! My mom said with a surprised face.

We came by to visit. I said while smiling.

Granny! Chelsea shouted while running for her granny.

Oh, my dear, Chelsea... You've grown so much! We miss you. My mom said while she lift Chelsea up.

What a great surprise, Cheryl. Why don't you come in? My dad said.

We all sat down in the living room and decided to catch-up on each other. But I feel like we're going to talk about some serious stuffs that Chelsea wouldn't understand.

Chelsea, would you like to eat maple pancakes made by granny? I asked my daughter.

Of course, mommy! Chelsea said enthusiastically.

Then I looked my mom into the eye that signifies that we need to stall Chelsea while talking about some serious stuffs.

Oh, okay... Sweetheart, come with me in the dining room. My mom said while reaching my daughter's hand.

When they're finally away, we decided to start talking.

I finally confessed to them that I am unemployed and just selling my baked cupcakes online. They didn't judged me for it, but...

Cheryl, why don't you just move back here? Riverdale High is finding a new P.E. teacher/Cheer captain. You're a perfect fit for it! Jason suggested.

Jason's right, Cheryl. You could make real money and have a stable job there. Dad said.

But our life's in Pasadena now. There's where Toni's working and where Chelsea's school at. I said.

Babe, they're right. That job is fitted for you. You could use your talent there! It's not yet too late for Chelsea because it's just the beginning of the school year, and I can cope wherever you and Chelsea are. Toni said.

Umm... I stammered.

You know what, you don't have to make your decision now. Why don't we sleep on it since it's already late? Jason suggested.

After that, Toni, Chelsea and I went upstairs to sleep in my old room.

There's only one bed so the three of us shared it. Chelsea lies between Toni and I which is really heart melting.

Good night, mommy. Good night, mimi. Chelsea said while yawning.

Good night, angel. Sleep now because we will go somewhere tomorrow in the early morning. I said.

Where are we going? Chelsea asked curiously.

It's mimi and mommy's old school, sweetheart. We will watch football players play in front of us. Toni said.

I'm so excited! I really love sports. Chelsea said.

I know that someday you'll be great at playing sports. And I can't wait to watch you on your first game. But now, you have to sleep, okay? I said while kissing her on the cheeks.

Okay, mommy. Goodnight! Chelsea said while chuckling then she kissed Toni and I on the cheeks.

Sweet dreams, baby. I whispered in her ears.

Toni and I watched Chelsea until she sleeps. And when she's finally asleep, Toni whispered something in my ear...

Your other baby wants a kiss too. Toni whispered.

I chuckled then I immediately kissed her on the lips. And of course, she kissed back. We kissed quite a while that night.

After that, we went to sleep too.

When we woke up, we all went downstairs and ate with my family. After that, I bathed Chelsea and myself. And then I dressed her up in Jason's old jersey and made it her dress while I wore my old cheerleading outfit. And for Toni, she wore her old P.E. uniform which she looks so cute on.

Are you ready to go? I asked them both.

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