Chapter Six

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After my mom left, all I kept thinking is what kind of future will I have with my baby. I'm also thinking of what kind of mom will I be. It's also bothering me on who I want to raise my baby with? Toni, Archie, both, or none? As I keep on getting lost in my thoughts, I haven't noticed that I have fallen asleep. I already woke up on the next day... Luckily, it's Saturday!

I descend downstairs to go in our dining room as fast as I could because I'm really starving. On the table, I saw Nana Rose, Jason and dad.

Good morning, Cheryl. Jason greeted me.

Good morning, Jay-Jay. I said with a smile.

I sat on the table and joined them in eating our breakfast.

Cheryl, the maids told us that you've fallen asleep early yesterday that's why you haven't joined us for dinner. My dad said.

That's true, dad. My mind is really exhausted from doing school works, maybe that's why I fell asleep unconsciously. I said.

Oh, is Penelope not joining us for breakfast? Nana Rose intervened.

What are you talking about, mom? Dad asked.

Who is Penelope? Jason asked.

Don't you know, Clifford? Penelope is here yesterday. Nana Rose said.

All I'm thinking at that moment is... I'm screwed! Dad will find out that my mom went here without his consent. Jason will also figure out about our mom. And they will find out that I'm pregnant.

Cheryl, do you know something about this? Dad asked.

Wait, let me explain... Jason, Penelope is our mom. She went here yesterday to help me with my... pregnancy. I said with embarrassment on my face.

Why on Earth will you let someone impregnate you?! Cheryl, you're a disgrace in this family! My dad shouted.

Disgrace? Why don't you describe that to yourself?! You ruined our family! You're assaulting her even before we're born, that's why she went away! I shouted furiously.

And after I said that, I saw Jason walking away. So I followed him to know what's going on in his mind. I saw him standing in our patio and just looking in the magnificent view while getting lost in his thoughts.

Hey, penny for your thoughts? I asked.

Cheryl, did our mom told you about what happened to her? Jason asked.

Yes. I said.

Can you share it to me, please? He begged.

So of course, I told him everything that our mom told me because he has the right to know. And I'm sure that my mom would also want him to know the truth so he won't hold grudges against him.

How are you so sure that she's telling the truth? Jason asked.

Jay-Jay, I can see it in her eyes that she loves us so much and how much she wants us back. I said.

What does she look like? Jason asked.

You know, what? Why don't you just keep in contact with her? I have her number and she said that we could contact her anytime we want. I suggested.

He just smiled and didn't give an actual answer, but I can see it in his eyes that he actually wants to meet our mom, so I still gave our mom's number to him and it's up to him if he'll contact her or not.

I know that it's too late for us to be an actual family, but it's not too late to make amends. I said while smiling then I start walking by to give him some space.

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