Chapter Five

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It's been days since I got the biggest shock of my life. I can't focus at school because I keep on getting lost in my thoughts about what I would and should do in the future. I'm basically ignoring everyone at school, afraid that they might judge me, including Archie.

And out of the blue, Archie gripped my hand and said "hey".

H-hey, Archie. What's up? I stammered as I asked Archie.

I'm fine, but how are you? It's been a while since the last time we talked. He said.

I'm good, thanks. I said while walking by.

Cheryl, wait! Archie shouted.

And I just stand over there... Waiting for Archie to come closer me while I'm trying to hold back my tears and hide all the feelings I'm feeling.

Are you okay? You seem a little off today. What's wrong? Archie asked concerned.

I'm really fine. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be late for my History class. I said while trying to let go of his grip.

Come on, Cheryl. We've been best friends for so long. Do you expect me to believe you when I know that you're lying? I'm not going to let you go until you tell me what's bothering you. Archie said with a serious face.

I know that he won't stop by the seriousness in his face. So I dragged him in the music room where we could talk privately.

When we get there, I locked the door and showed him one of my pregnancy test.

Wait, you're...? Archie asked with confusion in his face.

Apparently, yes. I said then I sighed.

B-but how? I don't get it. You're dating a girl, how could you get pregnant? Archie asked.

Have you ever heard of parties? I said.

Oh, Cheryl... Why would you keep this from me? I should be the one who should know this first because I'm your best friend. Archie said.

But you're too busy with Ronnie. How am I suppose to ask for your time just to tell you that I'm pregnant? I said.

I know, I'm sorry that I've been a terrible friend to you lately. I want to make it up to you now by being on your side whether you need me or not. Archie said.

His words made me blush inside, but I just showed it to him in a subtle way by smiling.

Can you remember the face of the person who impregnate you? Archie asked.

No... I'm drunk that time. I said.

Well, uh, will you keep it? He asked once again.

Of course! I didn't even doubt that. It's already a life that's growing inside me. I don't want it to experience what I went through with my mom. And besides, he or she will be the only remembrance from the best night that I ever had. I already love it to the point that I'm willing not to take college just to take care it. I said.

Then expect me to be sticking around in your child's life too. Archie said while smiling.

After school, I immediately went home because I've been craving for some sleep. I felt really tired the whole day, all I want to do is just rest.

When I reached the door of the Thistlehouse, I noticed that it's already open.

Jason? Dad? I shouted.

Then I saw Toni coming out from my mom and dad's old room.

Toni? What are you doing there? I asked confusedly.

There's someone who wants to see you. She said.

So I ascend the stairs as fast as I could to see who she's talking about.

When I opened the door, what peeked my eyes is a woman who has a ginger hair, and definitely looks like the older version of me.

Who are you? I asked.

Cheryl? Oh, my darling! She exclaimed while running to me.

She immediately gave me a tight hug but I didn't hug back because I'm still quite unsure who she is. So she just stepped back.

What's going on? Tee-Tee, who is this stranger you invite inside my house? I asked.

Babe, this is Penelope... your mother. Toni said.

After Toni said that, I saw her about to hug me again.

Don't! Don't you dare touch me again! Why are you even here? I've survived 16 years of my life without you, then you'll come back all of a sudden?! I shouted furiously.

Babe, I'm the one who invited her here. I thought that she might help you through your pregnancy. Toni said.

Help? I don't need any help from that trollop. Do you want me to abandon my child too after I give birth? I said while walking out.

Cheryl, wait! I have my reasons why I abandon you after I gave birth. She shouted.

Babe, just let her explain, please. Toni said while holding my hand.

Fine, I'm giving you two minutes. I said while walking back in the room.

Clifford is assaulting me even before I gave birth to you and your brother. And after I gave birth, I decided to leave him because I couldn't take it anymore. We both agreed to that but he deprived me from seeing my kids. So you may be right that I'm a trollop, but I did it so I could save up money and fight a lawsuit in the court so I could get you and Jason back. But when I finally have the money, I visited here and saw that you and Jason have a good life already. So I just decided to give up and let you have a good life. She explained.

And I can't help but tear up while hearing all the words she said. I can see it in her eyes that she really loves me. It's just a lot to take in and I wasn't able to say anything after that.

Babe, say something. Toni mumbled.

Look, Cheryl, I don't expect you to accept me as your mother anymore. Just... let me help you through your pregnancy so you could make a difference on being a mother. She said.

So I take a deep breath and answered them.

Fine. Dad and Jason won't be here until 8 PM, so the place is ours. I said.

So we spent couple of hours together. She told me everything that I might experience through pregnancy. She also taught me some exercises in case of any emergencies like stomach cramps. She also demonstrates us how to take care of a baby which is so much fun. And we sew together some baby clothes which is my favorite part.

Sadly, my mom needs to leave before Jason and dad arrive to avoid any chaos. I really love being around her. I wish that we could spend more time together. I felt really comfortable with her even if it's only my first interaction with her.

Goodbye... mom. I said while smiling.

Goodbye, my daughter. I love you. She said then she walked out of the house.

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