Chapter Thirteen

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On my way to the hospital, I felt really nervous. Chelsea is my life, I can't lose her. Whoever did this to her will pay... I'll make sure of that!

When I get there, I immediately saw Toni.

Babe, what happened? I asked while my voice is cracking.

Babe, when you left, Chelsea got really upset. She said that she wants to go out to follow you and Archie. But I told her that she can't, because it's important for you to have quality time with your best friend after a long time. So instead, I just took her with me in jogging so she could forget about it. But when I tied my shoe lace for a second, I turned around and just saw her lying down on the ground with blood everywhere. I tried to catch the driver but I wasn't able to do it, but I managed to have a good look on the car that hit her... I'm really sorry, babe. I'll understand if you'll be furious about me. Toni said nervously.

Look, babe, I know that this isn't any of your fault, so I don't blame you. But we need to find who did this to my daughter. I said.

Thanks, babe. I swear that I'll do anything I can to catch the suspect. Toni said.

And then a doctor came to us.

Babe, that's Chelsea's doctor. Toni whispered.

Doc, how's my daughter? I asked nervously.

Ma'am, I'm sorry to tell it to you but your daughter isn't stable. She lost a lot of blood before she's been sent here. She needs to have a blood transfusion with a person who's blood type is matched to hers IMMEDIATELY. The doctor stated.

I'm her mom, you could test my blood if it's match to my daughter's. I said.

I know that it's impossible for my blood to be compatible to Chelsea's but I'm willing to still get tested. Miracles could happen, you know? Toni said.

Thanks, Tee-Tee. I'll also call my family. I'm sure that they're all willing to be tested and to donate for Chelsea. I said.

I immediately called my mom, dad, and Jason to come here and get tested.

When they got here, we all get tested to see if our blood is compatible to be Chelsea's donor. We waited for a couple hours before we get the results.

And when the results are in, they all summon is in one room.

Okay, so who wants to know it first? The doctor asked.

Tell the results of mine, doc. I'm pretty sure that mine will be negative among all of them. Toni said.

You're right, Ms. Topaz. I'm sorry but your blood isn't compatible to be Chelsea's donor. The doctor said.

Check mine, please. Chelsea is my niece, there's a little possibility that my blood would match hers. Jason said.

I'm sorry, Mr. Blossom, but your blood isn't matched as well. The doctor said.

Check mine, doc. My mom said.

It's a negative too, Mrs. Blossom. The doctor said while shaking his head.

How about mine? My dad asked.

The doctor looked at my dad's result and shook his head.

And the last hope is mine. I'm really shaking right now. I'm crossing my fingers that my blood would match my daughter so she could have blood transfusion soon.

And when the doctor looked at my results, he said...

I'm really sorry, but all of you didn't match her blood type. The doctor said.

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