Chapter Eleven

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I drove my old car so the three of us could go to Riverdale High for the Homecoming game.

When we get there, I saw that the field is really crowded, but most of the audience are familiar faces. I held Chelsea's hand tightly so she won't get lost.

Baby, hold mommy's hands tightly so you won't get lost, okay? There's many people here, it would be hard to find such a little munchkin like you. I said while looking at Chelsea.

Okay, mommy. She said while she's gripping my hand.

Should we get a sit? Toni asked.

Let's go. I said.

So the three of us sat on the bench while waiting for the game to start.

I'll go buy us some foods. What do you want? Toni asked.

I'll just get whatever you're getting. I said.

I want a burger, mimi. Chelsea said.

Okay, just wait me here. Toni said then she walked away.

And just a couple of seconds when she walked away, there's a man who sat in her place.

Hey, that sit is taken! I yelled at the man.

Chill, Cheryl... I'll go away when she's back. That man said.

Then I recognized him from high school.

Reggie Mantle? Is that you?! I asked in a complete shock.

Guilty. He said.

I almost didn't recognize you. You've become a man now! I said with a surprised face.

And then Chelsea poked my shoulder and whispered something to me.

Mommy, who is he? Chelsea whispered.

Oh, sweetheart, this is mommy's old friend, Reggie. And Reggie, this is my daughter, Chelsea. I introduced them to each other.

What?! You're a mom now? It's not obvious 'cause you're still hot. Reggie said.

I hate you, Reg! I said jokingly while I chuckled.

Oh, have you heard? Archie is soon-to-be-dad. Veronica is now pregnant... And I think they're coming here too. Reggie said.

When Reggie said that, my heart completely shattered. I know that I've moved on from him, but coming back here, it just made me reminisce of our good old days. I didn't manage to stop myself and teared up after hearing that news. I felt happiness and sadness... That news is bittersweet for me.

Cheryl, are you okay? Did I say something wrong? Reggie asked while patting my back.

No, it's completely fine, Reggie. I'm just surprised since Archie and I haven't really talked for a while now... It's just a tears of joy. I know that Archie's meant to be a father by the way he talks about it since we are young. And now that he's going to be it, I'm very happy for him... and Veronica too. I said while wiping my tears.

And then Toni went back and gave Reggie a deadly stare.

Okay, okay, I'm going. Anyways, nice talking to you again, Cheryl. And nice meeting you, little Cheryl... I mean, Chelsea. Reggie said while chuckling then he went away.

Are you okay, babe? Did he hurt you or something? Because I swear, if he did something to you... Toni said but I cute her off immediately.

I'm fine, babe. I just got a little emotional being by here again. I said to reassure Toni.

Just a few minutes later and the game finally started. We started eating the foods that Toni brought us while watching the game.

Even from the start, the Home is winning. So my voice is really exhausted from cheering.

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