Chapter Seven

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It's just a week away after graduation. Everyone is running around like crazy to finish their requirements on time to graduate. It is also the week where we get the letters from the college we applied, to know if we get in or not. But for me, it's not that exciting to know it because I'm not even sure if I want or could get in college since my priority shifted since I knew that I'm having a baby.

Toni, Archie, and I decided to eat in the cafeteria together for lunch to talk about our college acceptance letters.

You go first, babe. I said.

Okay, the moment of truth... Toni said while opening the envelope.

Archie and I are crossing our fingers, hoping that Toni would be accepted in Highsmith College. And when she finally saw it, she decided to tell it to us.

I got in! Toni shouted with gladness on her face.

I'm so proud for you, babe. I said then I kissed her cheeks.

Congrats, Toni. Archie said with a grin on her face.

Thanks, guys... Your turn, Archie. Toni said.

Okay, drum roll please. Archie said while opening his envelope.

Then Toni tapped the table as fast as she could to give a suspense sound while Archie's opening his letter.

Gals... I got into U.S. Naval Academy! Archie shouted with a proud look.

You deserve it, Archie. I said while smiling.

Thanks, Cheryl. It's time for you to open yours. Archie said.

Ugh, I'm not even sure if I want to look at it. I said while covering my face.

Why is that, babe? This is where our hard works bear. Toni said.

How could I take care of my baby if I'm studying at the same time? I said while stressing out.

Come on, Cheryl. We'll figure everything out. What are friends are for? But now, we need to know if you get in Highsmith College or not. Archie said.

We will be here for you no matter what. Toni said.

Okay. I said then I sighed.

I carefully opened the envelope and read the letter. And it says that...

I got in. I said with a poker face and disappointment on my tone.

Congrats babe, but why don't you look so happy about it? Toni said.

Tee-Tee, it'll just make me pain more to reject the school of my dreams. I said while tearing up.

Then don't! Who says that you need to reject it? You have your nana, your mom, Jason, Toni and I. We'll be happy to help you, Cheryl. Archie said.

I just smiled at them because I haven't made up my mind yet.

After school, Toni decided to walk me home. But as we are walking, I saw a woman with tanned skin and black hair with Archie. And when she turned, I saw that it's...

Veronica?! I shouted.

Cheryl! She shouted with grin on her face.

There's something different with her now. She looks clean and decent unlike the last time I saw her. So Toni and I decided to walk in their direction to catch up on things.

What are you doing here? I asked.

Well, my boyfriend's graduation is this weekend. How could I miss it? She said.

Since when do you start to care for your boyfriend?! I asked while irritated.

Cheryl, I know that I took Archie for granted before... But I won't do the same mistake this time. There's no one like Archie in New York. He's the only man who truly care for me and love me for who I am. When I started to realize that, I decided to make things right with him. She said.

Then I whispered to myself "You better not mess up this time... I got pregnant because of you".

What did you just say? Veronica asked.

Oh, I just said that I'm really happy for you two. I said while rubbing my stomach.

Wait, are you pregnant? Veronica asked with a surprised face.

Isn't obvious with my baby bump? I asked.

No, you definitely still look hot. I really didn't notice until you rubbed it. Veronica said.

Thanks, I guess. I said while smirking.

How's the Vixens? Are you still the HBIC even when you got pregnant? Veronica asked.

The Vixens are MIA as of the moment. And yes, I'm still their head cheerleader. Luckily, there's no event that we need to perform when I got pregnant. I said.

Okay... So the million dollar question is who's the father of your little munchkin? She asked with an intrigued eyes.

When she asked that, I immediately panicked inside because I didn't know what to answer. The first thing that popped up my mind is my lie about being in a party. But I realized that maybe she could help me figure things out since she's the main reason why I did what I had to do.

So I gave her a look that signifies that we need to talk about it with just the two of us.

Oh... Baby, Toni, could you give us a moment, please? Veronica said to them.

So Toni and Archie move far away when Veronica said that. Now, it's just the two of us who could hear our conversation.

What is it? Don't they know who? Veronica asked.

Okay, Ronnie, what I'm about to tell you is a lot to take in. You might want to stop walking for this. I said.

So Veronica and I stopped walking for a moment then I started telling her the whole story. While I'm telling it to her, I can see it in her face that she's surprised, devastated, and guilty.

I'm sorry that I had to do it, Ronnie. I said with an embarrassment on my face.

No... I'm sorry that you had to do it instead of me. Now, you're life is upside down because of me. Veronica said while tearing up.

Not really, Veronica. This baby is my pride and joy. I'll be happy to share my life with her for the rest of my life. I said while smiling.

You have to tell Archie what you just told me. He has the right to know because it's his child too. If it means that I have to break-up with Archie, I'm willing to do it so you could be happy together. Veronica said while wiping her tears.

Is that you're way on getting rid of Archie?! I asked furiously.

What?! No. I want him to be happy that's why I'm willing to do it. Veronica said.

If you want him to be happy, then don't break up with him. You're the light in his life. He wanted nothing more but to have you back. You just got to accept that this is our situation now... Just ride with it. I said then I immediately left.

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