Chapter 16: It's the sad ones that stick with you.

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When I woke up, everything hurt. It was a burning pain, unlike anything I had ever felt before or ever dreamed of. But then again, if I ever 'dreamed' about this type of pain, it would surely be a nightmare. No normal human would enjoy dying, would they? And considering my age, it was definitely long past my time to go.

Frank was asleep still, sitting in the chair right next to my hospital bed. He had stayed there the whole time, always right by my side. I soon realised he probably hadn't eaten yet, and attempted to wake him. But, to my dismay, my voice was raspy and could barely work from the damage done to my neck, along with countless other parts of my body "F-F-Frra-ank!" I gasped.

His eyes fluttered open, and he turned to me instantly. I tried to reach out my hand, wincing as pain shot through my joints "Hey, hey, Gerard! You need to rest, alright? Don't try and move or anything. You need to heal, alright?" My arm fell down against the mattress, and Frank was right by my side in seconds. I smiled "Gerard, it's gonna be okay. We'll get through this. You can't die, right? I mean, it's been years." That's when the tears started coming, and he wiped at his face furiously "You can't die, not now! Not when... You just can't!"

He buried his face in his arms as he wept. As much as it hurt me to do so, I forced my arm to move and my hand to rest in his hair. He stopped crying and lifted his head so I could see his face "A-A c-cat onl-ly has n-nine lives, F-Frank." I gasped out, staring at his beautiful eyes that I'd always been fascinated with "A-A-And thi-is c-cat is o-on it's l-last l-l-legs."

Tears were slowly rolling down his cheeks still, but it wasn't a full on sob "You can't go. I can't live like this. I can't live without you." He held tightly to my hand. When I winced in pain, he stopped and brought it to his lips "I just want you to be better already. Isn't there some other way? Can't we fix this?"

"D-D-Don't w-worry, F-Frank." My voice was raspy, and every word stung like a knife. A knife... Driving through my neck.... "I-I'm n-not a-a-afraid a-anym-more."

"Mr. Iero?" A nurse said from out in the hallway, causing Franks head to turn towards her "A word?" He got up to talk to her and although I couldn't hear much, I got the gist of what they were talking about from what I did hear. Cells.... Deteriorating... Critical..... Life Support..... Plug..... It all made sense, really.

Frank was crying again as he walked back to me. God, I would miss his face, and his beautiful eyes. There was so much I hadn't done yet, so much I hadn't experienced. I had taken all I had for granted. And after all this time, all these years, I still couldn't even ride a fucking bike. I then realised that I actually really didn't want to die. I was afraid.

But I still smiled at Frank knowingly "I-It's o-okay, F-Frank. I-I-I'm n-not a-afraid." He smiled back at me warily, tears still flowing heavily down his cheeks "I-I-I l-love you." He smiled a bit wider and leaned down so I could feel the soft flutter of his lips on mine. For the last time.

He reached down to somewhere I couldn't see and looked up to me again. For the last time. The tears were still there, he was still there "I'm so sorry, Gerard." I couldn't take anymore of it, so I closed my eyes as tears ran down my cheeks. For the last time.

"Don't be." The shakiness in my voice was gone, and I felt myself start to drift off into the darkness. I knew where I was going. I was going to the place for my thoughts, and I would soon become the very air I used to breath. My name, only a whisper passed through glances and breath and tears. It was welcoming, and in turn I was welcoming to it. I finally wasn't scared. I was home.

For the last time.


I was cleaning up for the day, the coffee shop empty as it always was. My headache was worse than ever and I was tempted to reach for the flask that I had hidden under the table. I wasn't really allowed to drink on the job, of course, but it had been a rough couple of months.

Every day since he left has been a tough one. I tried to forget what happened, drank the pain away until I couldn't feel anything anymore. But it was always there, and even stronger in the morning. With him gone, I don't have anyone anymore. I'm completely and utterly lost.

The bell jingled, signaling someone walking in through the door. I sighed, wanted my shift to be over already, and turned around ready to put on a fake smile. But I didn't need to. I didn't need to do anything, because he was here again. He understood me without me even having to speak.

The only thing that had changed was his hair. It was a bright, flaming red and he was dressed in his usual clothes. All I could do was stare in disbelief as he walked up to the counter and flashed me a smile "Can I have a pumpkin spice latte, ten shots espresso?"

I gave a short laugh as tears began to form in my eyes. It had been so long... I reached up and cupped his face with my hand, seeing the tears form in his eyes "Gerard..." I didn't know what to say, didn't know what to think "How did you-"

"I'm immortal, Frank." Gerard said simply, and gave me a playful smirk "Besides, did you really think I would go that easily?" I smiled for the first time in a while. This was absolutely unbelievable, it was just so... I didn't even know. What would you call it when your one true love comes back to life? Unbelievable. Gerard nodded his head towards the door "C'mon. Your shift is basically over, isn't it?"


"Are you ready?" His breath was hot on my neck, whispering into my ear reassuringly. It had been too long, and I was definitely excited to try this again "I'll help you at first, but after that you're on your own. Alright?" I nodded my head "Alright. Here we go."

I clung to the handlebars desperately as Frank ran along beside me holding me steady. My feet were pumping the pedals hurriedly and I was so focused on what was ahead of me that I didn't notice that Frank wasn't there anymore. I peeked over to my left to steal a glance of him to find nothing but the air rushing around me.

"Gerard!" Frank called over to me, and I looked back at him over my shoulder. He was jumping up and down excitedly "Gerard! You're riding it all on your own! You're really doing it!" I couldn't believe it. I was already glad we had taken this trip to Europe, but this was just... Magical.

I looked back to my hands that were still clutching the handlebars, turning my knuckles even whiter "I'm doing it." I whispered in awe. My hands turned the handlebars so I was circling back around towards Frank, and I succeeded as I laughed wildly "Frank, look! I'm really doing it!"

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