Chapter 15: Happy endings don't always leave their mark.

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By the time I woke up, it had been two days since I came to the hospital. My stomache, hips, back, legs, arms, chest, and especially neck all hurt like hell. I looked to my right, only to find nothing but someones bag sitting on the chair. But I recognised that bag from somewhere. Who's was it?

And then I heard voices in the hallway, although my hearing was almost blurry like I was underwater "No! I told you, I'm not sticking around with your agency anymore! I don't care about the money and I don't care about your 'research'! I love him!" The first voice I recognised as Franks, and realised the bag on the chair was, in fact, his.

"You're making a big mistake, Frank." A voice I didn't recognise said "We told you not to get too involved, didn't we? And yet you still stick by his side." I tried to peek around the door, seeing Frank and a woman talking outside. The woman put a hand on his cheek, stroking it sweetly "Come back and work for us, Frankie. We'll pay off your debt, give you a much better and well payed job. And you'll finally be rid of that freak." She nodded towards my room.

He shrugged away from her hand "He's not a freak. He's my boyfriend. And I don't give a fuck about wether you can pay off my debts or not." I didn't exactly know what was going on, but I was glad Frank didn't care about whatever money this woman was trying to give him "Go find someone else to be your little spy." And that's when all the pieces started to connect. Of course Frank was only with me to get information.

He walked back into the room, slamming the door behind him, and froze when he saw me awake. How could he? He had been lying to me this whole time, about everything. He never cared about me, really, he was just trying to get information on how I ended up like this. Frank took a caitious step forward "Gerard, that wasn't what it sounded like." I just stared back at him, my throat too sore for me to speak "Really, it's not. I'll tell you everything, I promise."

Alright. Fine. I looked at him expectantly as he took a seat down in the chair next to me after removing his bag. I didn't really want to hear what he had to say, as far as I was concerned our relationship was over, but it's not like I could just get up and walk out. He took a deep breath "My first interaction with the agency was when I yelled at you that one day. Someone had walked past the counter and dropped some sort of card that had the address of the school you worked at. It's how I knew where you worked. Then, when you asked me out for the first time, when you left there was a girl who came in right after you. She worked for Mrs. Walkers agency and wanted to hire me since I was someone they knew you were close with. I didn't want to, obviously, but I have a lot of debt and the money they were offering would pay it off. But I don't work for them anymore, and I don't care about the money. I've never felt how I do when I'm with you when I'm with anyone else." He put his hand on my cheek "I love you, Gerard. And you're all I need."

I couldn't respond. I literally couldn't respond at all, and it was killing me. I wanted to tell him that I loved him too, that I forgave him for what he did. All we have is eachother, really, and I don't want that to go away. If I die for real this time, then I want him to know that I love him. So, with a shaky breath, I stuttered out "I-I-I-I l-love y-y-you." Frank smiled and I saw him tear up a bit as he leaned in to kiss me. It didn't hurt like it should have, it was soft and tender and like any other kiss we shared. Except this time, more purposeful, more precise.

He pulled away when one of the nurses appeared at the door, beckoning him into the hallway to talk with him. I couldn't really hear them at all, so I looked out the window of my room. It was sort of cloudy that day, reflecting my overall mood wonderfully.

By the time Frank was walking back into the room, it had started raining outside. Every time it rains, it always feels like the sky is crying "The nurse is letting me stay with you for the night, alright?" I went to reply when Frank rushed in and pressed his lips against mine "Try not to waste your energy talking." He whispers as he pulls away. And I do just as he says as I feel myself drift off.

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